
I morgon måndag får jag glädjen att möta Omar Mustafa, talesman för Sveriges Unga Muslimer i SvT 7.15. Mustafa har skrivit ett svar på mitt tidigare inlägg i Expressen.

Det här inlägget postades i Kommentarer nästan varje dag. Bokmärk permalänken.

23 svar på Morgonteve

  1. Flykting i Sverige undan islam och muslimer! skriver:

    Omar Mustafa tycker att ”förnedringen av profeten Mohammed är outhärdlig” för honom! (Expressen).

    – Omar Mustafa har valt att flytta till fel land (Sverige)!
    Ett tips till Omar Mustafa och alla andra som inte tål att se förnedrande bilder av pedofeten Muhammed:
    Fösvinn härifrån till Iran, Saudiarabien, Lybien, Syrien, Sudan, eller något annat diktatur(Allah)land (det finns hela 51 sådana) så slipper ni se ”outhärdliga” bilder!
    Och JAG slipper se er!

  2. Utrerad Ateist skriver:

    Muhammed var
    1. bluffmakare; hittade på den stora bluffen islam
    2. pedofil; hade sex med sexåring när han var 51
    3. krigsförbrytare; startade tre stora krig under sin livstid

    Varför skulle jag som är ”kaafir laíin” behöva visa respekt för denna otrevliga figur?!

  3. ? skriver:

    Varför just Vilks?!

    Jag har fortfarande lite svårt att förstå all denna uppståndelse kring just Lars Vilks teckningar!

    Det vimlar av muhammedkarikatyrer på nätet, bilder som är mycket mer kränkande än Vilks´, men ingen tycks bry sig särskilt mycket om de bilderna?!

    Det påstås att uppståndelsen kring Vilks bilder beror på att han avbildat Muhammed, något som påstås vara förbjudet i islam! Det stämmer inte. Det finns otaliga avbildningar av Muhammed som har gjorts av muslimerna själva!
    Argumentet förefaller vara ett svepskäl!
    Vi har tidigare sett att även vissa texter, som är kritiska till islam; ex Salman Rushdies bok ”Satansverserna” kunde väcka de lättirriterade muslimernas vrede!
    Däremot finns det texter både i prosa och diktform, som har kanoniserats av muslimerna trots att de raljerar med islam på ett mer brutalt sätt än både Rushdie och Vilks; ex Al-Maarri, Anu Nuoas, och det mer kända ”Tusen och en natt” av okänd författare!
    Det är svårt att se logiken i allt detta!
    Å andra sidan är det kanske lite förmätet att förvänta sig logiskt tänkande av religiösa dårar!

  4. Flykting i Sverige undan islam och muslimer! skriver:

    Varför ställer SVT (ormar) Mustafa mot en harmlös svensk halalhippie (Lars Vilks) och inte mot MIG?!
    (Jag har flera gånger hos SVT sökt att få chansen att debattera mot muslimska represen(tanter) å de många flyktingars vägnar som flytt till Sverige undan islam och muslimsk terror men fått avslag)!

    – Jo därför att om JAG, som känner sådana typer som (ormar) Mustafa både utan och innan, skulle få chansen att debattera mot (ormar) så kommer jag att klä av (ormar) på bara rumpan och göra (ormar) till det åtlöje (ormar) förtjänar inför hela svenska folket, och det vill inte det feminist- och halalhippiestyrda SVT att det ska ske!

  5. Gottfrid G skriver:

    Del 518
    ”… en våldsam pseudofundamentalist däremot är mer inriktad på (att skapa olycka åt) andra än på (att skapa ett lyckligt liv åt) sig själv”!

    – En våldsam muhammedanistisk fundamentalist är, i allra högsta grad, inriktad på (att skapa ett lyckligt liv åt) sig själv; dock efter döden!

  6. Christer Eriksson skriver:

    Gratulerar till en fin debatt. Omar Mustafa blev uppenbart pressad när du framhävde avsaknaden av mittenfåran, där man antingen blir Islamofil eller Islamofob. Samtidigt gav han ett föga trovärdigt intryck när han argumenterade för att gränsen för publicering gick när människor kände sig kränkta?!

  7. Jesus - guds søn skriver:

    Islam krænker kristendommen, når islam påstår, at Jesus ikke var guds søn, men kun en simpel profet.

  8. mellis skriver:

    Gott att se i debatten att mediaetablissemanget börjat respektera Lars. När jag såg att det var Marianne Rundström som skulle leda fruktade jag det värsta.

  9. From Guernica to Westergaard skriver:

    Kulturredaktør Flemming Roses blog February 18, 2008:

    ”Free Speech and Radical Islam

    My comment to the fate of cartoonist Kurt Westergaard was published in the Wall Street Journal last Friday. Here it is:

    Free Speech and Radical Islam

    At a lunch last year celebrating his 25th anniversary with Jyllands-Posten, Kurt Westergaard told an anecdote. During World War II Pablo Picasso met a German officer in southern France, and they got into a conversation. When the German officer figured out whom he was talking to he said:

    “Oh, you are the one who created Guernica?” referring to the famous painting of the German bombing of a Basque town by that name in 1937.

    Picasso paused for a second, and replied, “No, it wasn’t me, it was you.””

  10. Nazi-islam? skriver:

    Gates of Vienna February 15, 2008 Friday 9:03 AM EST:

    ”Abu-Usama el Swede

    Baron Bodissey

    Feb. 15, 2008 — I mentioned last night that the newspaper editor in Sweden who dared to print a Motoon in his paper dropped dead on the job the following day. Following his death, a Swedish radical Islamic forum expressed unconcealed joy at Allahs revenge against the blasphemer.

    The newspaper is Sydsvenskan, and its editor-in-chief was Peter Melin. Thanks to Frken Sverige and our Swedish correspondent LN, we now have an account of the celebration of Peter Melins death that appeared on the Islamist site. Frken Sverige posted about the incident, and included this screenshot of a post by Abu-Usama el Swede taken from the forum (which does not admit infidels).

    According to LN:

    Abu-Usama el Swede (560 google hits) is a former Nazi who converted to Islam he is a not yet convicted criminal with supposed terrorist connections.
    Below is LNs translation of the page dump:

    Wednesday Feb 13, 2008 20:51


    Salam Aliykom

    Today (Wednesday) the newspaper Sydsvenskan decided to publish the Mo pictures once again.


    To show its support for [the newspaper] Jyllands Posten and for freedom of speech.

    He who made the decision today is Peter Melin and he is Chief Editor of the paper.

    Allahdullah Allah directly sent his punishment to this infidel hound and Peter Melin died later in the day.

    [photo of Peter Melins memorial]- – – – – – – – –
    We thank Allah for this wonderful gift that he has extinguished the life of this pig.


    At the same time I want to thank Allah that there are brothers who fight to extinguish the lives of the two others, Lars Vilks and Kurt Westergaard, I wish them good luck and pray to Allah that he will give them a wonderful victory and hope that someone will kill them very painfully.

    Map of Vilks house at the terror-alleged


    Three arrested for murder-plan


    Remember that the soldiers of Allah will catch you before or after and send you directly to hell

    Wa Salam Aliykom

    I take the responsibility and stand for this text. The Admin of this page has got nothing to do with my text this is my personal and no elses opinion and they will not be held responsible for my opinion and my comment.

    Abu-Usama El Swede

    Hat tip: BH.”

  11. JP was right; Politiken was wrong skriver:

    Gates of Vienna February 13, 2008 Wednesday 2:29 PM EST:

    ”Denmark to the Jihad: Drop Dead

    Baron Bodissey

    Feb. 13, 2008 — Do you remember Fabrizio Quattrocchi

    He was an Italian civilian who was held hostage in Iraq by Muslim terrorists and eventually murdered by his abductors. Unlike so many of his fellow Western hostages, who went whimpering and pleading to their deaths, Mr. Quattrocchi ripped the hood off his head and shouted, Now Ill show you how an Italian dies! just before he was shot to death.

    Denmark is doing something similar. Collectively as a nation it is saying to the Great Jihad, Now Ill show you what a Dane thinks of death threats!

    Steen and TB have been keeping me informed of the responses in the Danish media to yesterdays arrest of the Muslim terrorists who plotted to kill Kurt Westergaard. Mr. Westergaard is the artist who drew the famous and iconic turban bomb cartoon of Mohammed, one of the twelve Motoons that so inflamed the Muslim street back in early 2006.

    Below is the front page from this mornings Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten (photo by Steen):

    The headline reads, He must be killed for a drawing.

    The drawing is a new self-portrait of the cartoonist standing in the midst of a Allah-bomb explosion, with one arm holding a Danish flag, and the other holding a pen. The text below the cartoon is too hard for me to translate easily, but its similar to yesterdays quote from Mr. Westergaard:

    I have turned fear into anger and indignation. It has made me angry that a perfectly normal everyday activity which I used to do by the thousand was abused to set off such madness. I have attended to my work and I still do. I could not possibly know for how long I have to live under police protection; I think, however, that the impact of the insane response to my cartoon will last for the rest of my life. It is sad indeed, but it has become a fact of my life.
    Steen says the turban bomb cartoon was on the front page of all seven of todays major Danish dailies, plus the tabloids. Visit his blog to see a photo of a pile of this mornings newspapers: turban bombs as far as the eye can see.

    According to some of my other Danish contacts, billboards and posters of the drawing are prominent all over Copenhagen.

    Nyhedsavisen published the following editorial this morning (translated by TB):
    – – – – – – – – –
    Nyhedsavisen: Jyllands-Posten was right

    The murder threats against the artist Kurt Westergaard show that Jyllands-Posten did the right thing when they published the Mohammed drawings.

    By chief editor Simon Andersen

    More than two years ago Kurt Westergaard for many years an artist for Jyllands-Posten sat down at his table and drew the lines that were to trigger the biggest crisis in the history of recent Danish foreign policy. And, as we now know, it would also jeopardize Westergaards own life.

    Tuesday it was clear to us that the drawings, after two and a half years, still create such hatred that Muslims living here are ready to kill because of them.

    Everybody can distance themselves from the murder plans. But no one discussing it, no matter what he might think about the drawings in Jyllands-Posten, has the slightest understanding of this horrific act which, according to PET, was being planned: the killing of Westergaard. So far, so good.

    Meanwhile, in an absurd way these murder plans are evidence that Jyllands-Posten, in spite of the appalling consequences, did what was necessary by challenging some Muslims views on democracy and freedom of speech.

    JP was right; Politiken was wrong

    Since the crisis, commentators such as Tger Seidenfaden have tried to make us believe that Jyllands-Postens sole mission was to insult Muslims by stepping on their holy prophet; on the other hand Jyllands-Posten has argued that the drawings needed to be published so as to draw attention to the fact that freedom of speech is sacred, and that the right to think, speak and draw freely is threatened.

    The critique of Jyllands-Posten must now become silent. Feel free to call it a provocation, but it was a necessary provocation. Not all of the drawings where of equal quality, but Westergaards was good, and it was right: It was spot-on cartooning to create Mohammed with a bomb in his turban, not to insult Mohammed, but to tell an alarming truth: that the vast bulk of the terrorism that we have been witnessing in recent years is committed by Muslims in the name of Mohammed. Therefore Westergaards drawing was not only allowable, it was right and true.

    The blinkers of the left

    The left attacked Tuesday yes, rightly the questionable policy in which the authorities can suspect someone of murder and then deport them without trial. But this is not the major problem of our society.

    The big challenge for this country is that there live among us young people with a Muslim background who are ready to create bombs and kill artists. Ready to kill in the name of their god.
    So this is how Denmark responds to Islamic rage. The Muslims will just have to deal with it.

    Its important to remember that Mr. Westergaard is not the only cartoonist who lives under threat, and Denmark is not the only country facing Islamic intimidation. Lars Vilks, the Swedish artist who gave us the Modoggies, has also received death threats.

    Our Swedish correspondent Carpenter wrote us this morning:

    As you know, a terror plot against Kurt Westergaard was recently discovered and thwarted in Denmark. And now it has been discovered that followers of a certain religion have been in possession of a map of Lars Vilks house and documents on military night-vision binoculars:

    The Local has the story, quoting from todays Dagens Nyheter.

    In the online version of Dagens Nyheters article, no Mohammed cartoon appears. But in todays paper version they printed a small-size Modoggie. Thought Id mention it!

    I dont subscribe to Dagens Nyheter. Like all Swedish media its Multiculturalist, PC and has a culture section (DN-Kultur) that is Hamas-supportive, climate aware, feminist, Communist, frequently compares Denmark to Nazi Germany, and nowadays lets Hizbullah supporter Andreas Malm write brain-dead articles on the Rise of Islamophobia in Europe caused by Bat Yeor, Mark Steyn and Bruce Bawer, among others Im very reluctant to pay one single penny to such a paper. I discovered that they printed old Mo at my regular coffee shop.
    Heres the story from The Local:

    Terror suspects had map of Vilks house

    Swedens Economic Crimes Bureau (EBM) has confiscated a map of the Skne home of artist Lars Vilks, along with documents on military night-vision binoculars.

    Skne police and Vilks say they were not informed of the raid which led to the find.

    The seizure was conducted in November during a house search carried out against two men in the Stockholm suburb of Spnga.

    This sounds like the most serious threat thus far because it appears to have been planned out, said Vilks to Dagens Nyheter.

    One of the men, 42-years-old, is suspected of crimes related to the embezzlement of money from pre-schools in Tensta and Rinkeby.

    The Swedish Security Service (Spo) suspect the 42-year-old and others may have funneled money from Sweden to foreign terrorist organizations.

    Both Torsten Elofsson, head of the criminal police department for northwest Skne, and Thomas Servin, head of Sknes police intelligence division, deny having been informed about the seizure of the map.

    Last July, a local farm in Vrmland planned to hold an exhibition of Vilks drawings featuring the prophet Mohammed as a roundabout dog.

    The drawings were removed from the exhibition, but they were later published in several newspapers.

    A drawing featuring the head of Mohammed on the body of a dog appeared in the local newspaper Nerikes Allehanda, leading to a storm of protests against Sweden in several Muslim countries.

    Both the newspapers editor and Vilks received death threats following the incident, with Vilks eventually getting police protection.
    Denmark has responded to Muslim bullying by spreading insulting cartoons of the Prophet as widely as possible.

    How will Sweden respond if a comparable Modoggie crisis erupts? Well have to wait and see.”

  12. Christer Eriksson skriver:

    Ur ett västerländskt perspektiv är det uppseendeväckande att begreppet Islamofobi alls fått fotfäste i ett sekulärt samhälle, eftersom det är ett försvar för en religion som sådan. Det är inte ens ett försvar för dess anhängare eftersom man då borde mynta begreppet ”muslimofober”, och ännu mindre är begreppet ett försvar för hela folkgruppen av araber.

  13. Omar skriver:

    Flykting i Sverige undan islam och muslimer:
    Hej har du någon blogg där du debatterar. Det konstiga är att dina åsikter och andra offer för islam åsikter inte finns så mycket publicerat och nämt på tv och tidningar. Det är mer tv och artiklar om islam att det är en sån snäll religion.

  14. Christer Eriksson skriver:

    Omar, Jag är glad för att du har valt debatt som uttrycksmedel men detta är inte typiskt för muslimer generellt. Frånvaron av yttrandefrihet i muslimska länder lär istället människor att tillgripa våld och hot för att visa sitt missnöje, eller vinna fördelar, och det är inte förenligt med den respekt för enkeltindividen som är djupt rotad i västdemokratierna.

  15. jazz skriver:

    Följande insändare kan läsas i HD:

    ”Mycket kan sägas om om Lars Vilks konst, men han tar den debatt vi alla borde föra. Nämligen debatten om hur ”kristna” och muslimer skall kunna förstå och respektera varandras kultur och religion.
    …………….. osv ”


  16. Cecilia skriver:

    Flykting i Sverige undan islam och muslimer! skriver:

    — Varför ställer SVT (ormar) Mustafa mot en harmlös svensk halalhippie (Lars Vilks) och inte mot MIG?!
    (Jag har flera gånger hos SVT sökt att få chansen att debattera mot muslimska represen(tanter) å de många flyktingars vägnar som flytt till Sverige undan islam och muslimsk terror men fått avslag)!

    – Jo därför att om JAG, som känner sådana typer som (ormar) Mustafa både utan och innan, skulle få chansen att debattera mot (ormar) så kommer jag att klä av (ormar) på bara rumpan och göra (ormar) till det åtlöje (ormar) förtjänar inför hela svenska folket, och det vill inte det feminist- och halalhippiestyrda SVT att det ska ske!—

    Jag skulle tycka det var väldigt intressant att se en sådan debatt!
    Om ett tag, när ”frågan” blivit ännu mer etablerad… eftersom den nu inte tycks kunna tigas ihjäl, tack och lov – så kanske vi så småningom får se en sådan debatt. Mellan en utövande muslim och en icke-troende från muslimskt land – båda flyktingar bosatta i Sverige olika skäl.
    Då närmar vi oss pudeln kärna, eller hur?

  17. Cecilia skriver:

    Tittade nu på webb-tv på programmet från i morse.

    Ett bra komplement kan man läsa här:

    ”Saudisk charmoffensiv

    Vad kan elever från Malmö lära i ett land där kvinnorna förtrycks, undrar Lars Åberg apropå ett samarbetsprojekt med Saudiarabien.”

    Andra intressanta tankar om ev. imamutbildning, kan man läsa här:

    ”Nu är det ju så att staten inte ens utbildar präster, det ombesörjs av Svenska kyrkans pastorala institut. Däremot tillhandahåller staten teologisk utbildning vid några universitet. Det är en kvarleva av en svunnen tid då stat och kyrka stod varandra nära.
    Om Leijonborg hade tänkt radikalt och liberalt hade han väl snarare lagt ner de teologiska fakulteterna och låtit den värdefulla forskning som bedrivs där integreras i andra ämnen, bland andra antikens historia och semitiska språk. ”

    Och intressant om hur fort utvecklingen sker, kan man läsa här…:

    ”Häri ligger också utmaningen. Att diskutera problem med en kulturell särart och samtidigt hålla i huvudet att det också kan vara en särart i folkgruppen.

    Filosofen Aleksander Motturi har diskuterat fixeringen vid att nyckeln till identiteten skulle finnas i etniciteten. Han hänvisar i den briljanta boken ”Etnotism” till den franske sociologen Pierre-André Taguieff som beskrivit en ”rasism utan raser”, där kultur ”uppfattas som någonting statiskt och oföränderligt som bestämmer individen”.

    Jag förstår Pernilla Ouis förtvivlade ton kring hedersvåldet (Sydsvenskan 9.2, se länk ovan till hoger) men saker står inte stilla i hederskulturer. Ser man till den assyriska/ syrianska gruppen har det skett dramatiska förändringar enbart sedan jag var tonåring för drygt tio år sedan: tjejer kan idag gå ut och roa sig på kvällarna, flytta hemifrån utan att vara gifta och välja en kärlek utanför den egna gruppen. Skilsmässor som tidigare var tabubelagda är idag rätt vanliga.”

    Sydsvenskan börjar bli riktigt etablerad i debatten. 🙂

  18. mellis skriver:

    Börjar undra om debatten kring muhammedkarikatyrer handlar om religion och yttrandefrihet. Handlar det inte i stället om problemen med att vi i nordeuropa fått in främmande folkslag med förhöjd aggressivitet på grund av överbefolkning, ”kultur”, lågt föräldrarintresse i hemländerna och omställningsproblem i det nya landet. Om en familj har tio barn bli det ju inte så mycket utrymme och omvårdnad åt det elfte.

    Läste i långfärdsskridskoklubbens medlemsblad senast:
    ”OM RISKER – PÅ LAND. Fredagen den 30 november stod jag vid min bil på en parkeringsplats i Traneberg och väntade på en skridskodam, tillika stugvän och f d klubbmästare. Vi skulle äta lunch tillsammans (yttertemperaturen gjorde vistelse på de spröda nyisarna olämplig). Jag stod i tankar och tittade drömskt ut i novemberdiset. Bredvid stod en liten bil från Fortum och jag undrade slött vad dom gjorde i huset. Då kommer bilens förare, en ung man med tydligt ”icke-svenskt” utseende. Han sätter sig i bilen. Jag står kvar och tittar ut i luften.
    Efter cirka fem sekunder öppnar den unge mannen bildörren och frågar aggressivt med endast lätt brytning:
    – Äre nåt problem?
    – Nää.
    – Du stirrar – de ä farlit!
    – Jag står och väntar och tittar ut i luften.
    – Du stirrade på mej!
    – Förlåt, vad menar du?
    – Man måste visa respekt! Jag vet inte var du kommer ifrån, men i andra länder där det är mera folk, blir det bråk direkt!
    Min förundran fortsatte ett tag, men samtalet slutade vänligt och vi önskade varandra en fin dag.

    Lördagen den 1 december har SvD ett stort reportage om den väntande rättegången efter dödsmisshandeln av en skolelev på Kungsholmen i oktober. En helsidesrubrik lyder: ”En blick vid fel tillfälle, ett feltolkat ögonkast startade allt.”
    Jag vet inte om det är det ”multikulturella” som smyger sig in och förändrar villkoren för vårt beteende i det offentliga rummet.
    Men jag vet nu, att jag aldrig mer kommer att nyfiket iakttaga ett ungdomsgäng en kväll i tunnelbanan. Jag böjer ”respektfullt” mitt huvud.
    Jag tackar den unge mannen från Fortum för den värdefulla informationen – bekräftad av SvD. Han har gjort mig – just det – ”ödmjuk”. Åtminstone ute på stan. Och jag rekommenderar alla klubbens veteraner, som inte längre springer så fort, att se upp – nej, ner – i fortsättningen.”

  19. Minister of Art skriver:

    När Omar Mustafa uttalar sig om att ”Så fort några enstaka personer av världens 1,5 miljarder muslimer får för sig att göra något dumt, ska vi som europeiska muslimer stå till svars” – så tycks han inte anse det nåt problem att västerlänningar ska stå ut med att så fort EN muslim anser sig kränkt så ska man ta hänsyn till kränkning av de andra 1,5 miljarderna samtidigt.

  20. ipc skriver:

    Can anyone please help!!!!!!!!!

    Answer yes or no.
    About God

    1. Human faculties of conception, perception and learning, and attributes of volition, intuition and apprehension cannot catch sight of
    His Person or fathom the extent of His Might and Glory? ………….

    2. There do not exist words in any language to specify or define His qualities, peculiarities, characteristics and singularities? ……….

    3. Reason and sagacity cannot visualise Him? ………

    4. His Attributes cannot be fixed, limited or defined? …….

    5. None can fully understand or explain His Being however hard he or she my try? ……..

    6. His Worth cannot be described even by the greatest rhetoricians of all times? ……..

    7. Intelligence, understanding and attainment cannot attain the depth of knowledge to study or scrutinise the Godhead? ……….

    8. He is so absolutely Pure and above nature, that nothing can be added to or substacted from His Being? ………

    9. There is no difference between His Person and His Attributes, and His Attributes should not be differentiated or distinguished from
    His Person? ………..

    10. Whoever accepts His Attributes to be other than His Person then actually forsakes the idea of Unity of God and believes in
    duality ( He and His Attributes). Such a person in fact believes Him to exist in Parts. One who holds such a faith cannot form a
    true concept of God, he is ignorant and will always try to believe in some creation of his or her imagination as his or her god? …..

    11. His Existence is not coming into Being from non-existence? …………

    12. He is with everything but not physically and bodily? …….

    13. No physical eye has and will ever see Him? ………

    14. He has not permitted human mind to grasp the Essence of His Being yet He has not prevented them from realising His
    Presence? ………

  21. Hulken skriver:

    How to organise a major terrorist scare
    The Big Dummy’s guide to security booga-booga

    By Gavin Gatenby, Possum News Network
    15 August 2006

    How easy is it to organise a major terrorist scare like the one that’s
    currently gridlocking the world’s airports? Dead easy. If you follow a
    few simple points you can panic the populace and stampede the media with
    virtually no risk of getting caught. All it takes is a little
    confidence. Here’s a simple “how-to” for aspiring top-level spooks:

    1. The politicians don’t want to know

    Have confidence that the government really doesn’t want to know what it
    is you’re getting up to, as long as the effect benefits them. By their
    very nature, secret police intelligence and espionage organizations
    operate in secret and often do, “in the national interest”, illegal
    things or stuff which ordinary folk would regard as grossly unethical –
    things that would embarrass the government if they were to be exposed.
    If anything goes wrong the politicians want to be able to “plausibly
    deny” they were involved. This relationship hands enormous,
    uncontrolled, power to your small, ultra-secretive, self-governing elite
    clustered at the top of the nation’s security “service”. Your colleagues
    are invariably drawn from the upper reaches of the political and
    economic elite and of course you know better than anybody what’s in “the
    national interest” and you have a God-given right to rule. Breaking
    ranks and talking isn’t in your colleagues’ class nature.

    2. Keep things on a need-to-know basis

    Keep your security organization compartmentalised and discourage
    specialist sections from talking to each other. You can plausibly plead
    security reasons for this. Make sure all information gets passed up the
    line to your small group at the top who compile and “assess” the overall
    threat and decide when to act. Thus you control the “narrative” and the
    timing of the scam. The foot soldiers may shake their heads and wonder
    at some of the things you come up with, but they’ll be in no position to
    contradict you. And if they do, it’s a very serious offence. It’ll ruin
    their careers and could land them a very long stretch in gaol.

    3. At the right time, get the president or prime minister involved

    When you’ve decided on the optimum time for your security scare and
    sorted out who your “plotters” will be, it’s important to involve the
    head of the government. He’ll want to broadcast to the nation, taking
    credit for keeping the people safe from the terrible plot. He’ll
    automatically be followed by the leaders of the mainstream opposition
    parties, all eager to prove their credibility, responsibility and
    patriotism. As soon as you’ve made the official line clear, the media
    and the state apparatus will fall into line.

    4. “Prove that we lie”

    Always remember: it’s breathtakingly easy to claim you’ve “thwarted”
    something horrible and almost impossible for sceptics to prove that you
    haven’t. This applies especially if you “thwart” the plot in its early
    stages. Invariably you’re acting against individuals from a group that’s
    already been demonised and will be scared to speak up or fight back. The
    majority will be inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt.
    Questioning the government in a time of “national emergency” isn’t an
    easy gig.

    5. Don’t worry, they’ll all play their part

    Complex conspiracies involving lots of people are entirely unnecessary.
    All that’s needed is for your close knit, unaccountable group to order
    those lower down the chain to act on “information received”. They don’t
    even have to know what the information was. They just have to know the
    addresses to raid and who to arrest. When they do, they’re sure to find
    some political or religious literature, or something on the hard drives,
    or some household chemicals that will, under the circumstances you’ve
    created, look suspicious. If you’re using agents provocateur, they’ll be
    able to plant “evidence” and report suspicious conversations to “sex-up”
    the case. Of course, details will never be available officially or in a
    verifiable form, but fragments and hints of purported “evidence” can be
    leaked to selected journalists (see below).

    6. Feed the chickens

    Keep information in official news releases to an absolute minimum.
    There’s a plausible excuse for this: more information will harm ongoing
    investigations and might prejudice the case when it gets to court. In
    place of any hard attributable facts, provide a steady stream of small
    leaks “under condition of anonymity” to selected journalists from
    politically reliable mainstream news organizations. These people are
    carefully selected for political conservatism and journalistic
    “responsibility”. Even if they weren’t, they need a story and they’re
    totally reliant on you for one. It doesn’t matter if the leaked details
    are outrageously illogical. Even if they’re suspicious of the story,
    your contacts will run it rather than lose a scoop. In this way you’ll
    establish an unofficial official narrative that most members of the
    public will be inclined to accept as something like the truth. They’ve
    already been conditioned by the media attack-dogs to thoroughly distrust
    the group from which your victims come so they’ll figure that if the
    charges are a fit-up the victims are probably guilty of something and it
    would be prudent to put them away.

    7. Politicians who aren’t 100 per cent with you are friends of terrorists

    No politician enjoys being attacked as “irresponsible” or accused of
    being unpatriotic or soft on terrorists. Very few will dare question the
    allegations in case they’re proved wrong. Most are venal politics
    junkies making a very good living doing something they enjoy. It’s safer
    for them to join the chorus condemning terrorism and congratulating you
    on your vigilance. With any luck, some politicians will show their
    credentials by loudly criticising you for not acting sooner and more
    ruthlessly. Those few who are troubled will probably just say nothing.

    8. Don’t worry about proving links to real terror groups

    Once upon a time, not so long ago, it was felt necessary to show that
    your local “terrorist cell” was recruited by, and in communication with,
    al-Qaeda, or some group with actual form some time in the
    not-too-distant past. This requirement brought its own problems, since
    evidence of the links often failed to convince, or, worse still,
    unearthed shady figures with a track record of collaboration with the
    CIA or MI6 or Mossad.

    It’s still a good idea to hint at such links but it isn’t de rigueur
    because the problem disappeared with the happy invention of the
    “spontaneously-forming, self-activating” (SFSA) terror cell theory in
    the aftermath of the 7/7 London bombings. According to the SFSA theory,
    terrorists don’t have to be recruited or trained. Wherever any three
    integrated, happy, and successful young Muslim men get together to
    discuss politics or religion or even just to play cricket, they
    spontaneously decide to set up a do-it-yourself terror cell. They scour
    the internet for recipes for powerful but highly unstable explosives
    made from sports drinks, peroxide, hair gel, acetone and baby formula.
    Without outside direction they select targets and decide the day. All
    you need to “prove” conspiracy was that they met, discussed politics and
    had in their possession common household chemicals, fizzy drinks and a
    mobile phone. It doesn’t matter if their conversations show nothing
    explicit. Just say they were talking in code. If you can show at least
    one of them has travelled overseas, that’s a plus. If not, assert that
    they “investigated” booking airline tickets or showed an interest in
    travelling overseas.

    The SFSA theory not only relieves you of having to prove connections to
    international terror groups, there’s a bonus: it also increases public
    fear. Any group of young Muslims kicking a ball around in the park is
    actually planning to blow up trains. Or airliners. Anything you do to
    these people is likely to be “overlooked”, if not vocally supported by
    patriotic simpletons.

    9. It doesn’t really matter if a court finds them innocent

    Your victims won’t get their day in court for months, maybe years, and
    if you’ve organised things well, you’ll be operating under laws that
    ensure that the public and your tame media are prevented from reporting
    key details or even excluded from court altogether. By the time your
    victims get to court, the scare you used them to create will have done
    its job. Even if your victims are found innocent, that fact will get
    little press attention from a media who are embarrassed by their role in
    such an obvious scam, and anyway, the accused terrorists’ acquittal will
    be lost in the next big scare.
    Good luck, and have fun.


    Lars Vilks är verkligen en av Sveriges FRÄMSTA KONSTNÄRER och HJÄLTAR genom sitt försvar av vår grundlagsskyddade press-, åsikts- och yttrandefrihet!

    Jag är INTE MUSLIM och SKITER DÄRFÖR FULLSTÄNDIGT i vad muslimska lagar säger om ”förbud mot avbildningar” av psykofeten MUHAMMED!

    Här är några av mina egna konstverk och en egen version av en av Jylland Postens Muhammed-teckningar!

    Pigface-Muhammad –

    The place where the psychophet Muhammads conducted his SICKENING CHILD MOLESTATIONS and CRUELTY TO ANIMALS (Halal-butchering), the CAVE OF HIRA –

    SVERIGEDEMOKRATERNA får min röst i valet 2010!

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