Del 443: New York Apexart

Igår den 7 november öppnades utställningen Land Grab. Tillsammans med min curator Martin Schibli installerades material från Nimis, Arx och Ladonia. Dessutom spikade jag samman en konstruktion. Som jag förväntade mig var det rätt snålt med material men det kunde kompletteras genom några turer runt kvarteren kring Church Street där det fanns en del containrar.

Det kommer tydligen mycket folk till vernissagerna på Apexart. Det verkar i varje fall så eftersom lokalerna sanbbt blev överfulla. Och det dyker upp svenskar, norrmän och danskar. På fredag kommer jag att hålla en föreläsning om min verksamhet. Alla är naturligtvis välkomna till Apexart kl 18.

När jag återvänt till Sverige kommer jag att dyka upp på en debatt i Uppsala den 15 nov, med Hjärpe på bokmässan i Örebro den 24, debatt också i Linköping den 28.

Med hälsningar från New York, idag skall vi se om det finns någon intressant samtidskonst i staden. Det är tveksamt.

Med risk att bli tjatig tar jag det en gång till och nu direkt till signaturen Elisabet: Det censureras eller fördröjs inga kommentarer. Det som ingriper är spamfiltret vilket jag inte kan påverka på annat sätt än attbefria de kommentaroffer som oskyldigt råkar hamna i dess klor.

Det här inlägget postades i Kommentarer nästan varje dag, om utställningar m m. Bokmärk permalänken.

27 svar på Del 443: New York Apexart

  1. General Bussig skriver:

    Vi tar ett varv till i rondellen. Nu som forskningsobjekt.

  2. joanna skriver:

    ”När man är inne i ett projekt eller samtal är det ingen som förstår vidden. Först senare får mänskliga ansträngningar en eventuell plats i historien.

    Muhammedhunden blir nu forskarprojekt. Vad hände egentligen när Nerikes Allehanda publicerade en teckning på Muhammed som rondellhund?
    Den frågan vill Krisberedskapsmyndigheten ha svar på.

    Myndigheten ger därför forskare vid Örebro universitet 430 000 kronor för att de ska dyka djupare ner i händelseutvecklingen som följde efter publiceringen av konstnären Lars Vilks teckning tidigare i år.
    – Det här är ett intressant ämne som berör både forskningsinriktningen journalistisk etik och kriskommunikation, säger medieprofessor Stig Arne Nohrstedt till Nerikes Allehanda…”

  3. js skriver:

    Angående HDs dom i ärenden som gällde hets mot folkgrupp.

    HD friade. Läs mer på

    En kommentar till denna friande dom i Sydsvenska dagbladet av Mats Skogkär:

    ”Om det ska finnas en plikt att avhålla sig från uttalanden som inte kan antas bidra till framsteg i umgänget människor emellan finns risken att de lätaste kränkta bland de lättkränkta blir riktkarlar när gränserna för vad som får och inte får sägas dras upp. Dår lär Sverige bli ett väldigt tyst land.”

    Det för mina tankar till de reaktionerna på Lars Vilks rondellhundar. Då talades också att min inte ska kränka. Det insinuerades om självcensur. Det talades om att ändra de publicistiska reglerna.

    Frågan om Konsten och yttrandefriheten blir aktuell i skenet av HDs dom.

    Vad säger vänstern och kultureliten om HDs dom i denna fråga?

  4. js skriver:

    Kom ni ihåg besöken hos Reinfelt i september.

    Egypten, ett land som brukas beskrivas som moderat muslimskt, har presenterat en lång kravlista för den svenska regeringen. ”Vi vill se handling, inte bara snälla ord”, säger Egyptens ambassadör Samah Mohamed Sotouhi till TT:

    -Egypten kräver att den svenska pressfriheten skall inskränkas.
    -Man vill ha ett särskilt riksdagsutskott mot islamofobi.
    -Skolorna skall indoktrinera svenska elever att det är moraliskt förkastligt att inte visa profeten respekt.
    -Svensk journalistutbildning skall anpassas till den muslimska världens krav.

    Konsten och yttrandefriheten
    ”Tryck ner en Bibel i en toalett och du har skapat ett konstverk, gör samma sak med Koranen och du riskerar att bli åtalad för hets mot folkgrupp. Så pervers är den mångkulturella logiken.”

    Läs mer

  5. js skriver:

    Expressens ledare:

    ”Rent slöseri”

    Det gäller stödet till samernas renskötsel.

    Skulle denna artikel kunna anmälas som hets mot folkgrupp?

    Eller får man lov att framföra en sådan åsikt?

    Återigen efter Rondellhundarna:

    Vilka åsikter får man framföra?

    Vad får man teckna och måla?

    Får en konstnär vara provokativ?

    Får man lov att vara kritisk? Mot vilka ämnen och företeelser får man vara kritisk?

    Får vi ha olika åsikter?

    Det som är känsligt ska vi inte diskutera, det som riskerar att kränka ska vi inte diskutera?

    Först överväga självcensur och sedan kanske kritik. Men bara det som politiskt korrekt.

    Får jag be om största möjliga tystnad!

  6. Cecilia skriver:

    Egypten VAR kanske moderat muslimskt – jag läste en insändare för ett tag sedan som sade motsatsen (aj, skulle sparat den, för den innehöll en hel del lättkollbara fakta).

    Upplever det som att det ryktet kommer från Nassers tid. Gäller även resten av Mellanöstern – på 50- och 60-talet var det mycket ”modernare” – mer jämna steg i utvecklingen med väst.

    Sedan har det ”hänt” något som ändrat det… vilket kanske är beroende på i vilka fickor oljepengarna hamnat?

  7. ln skriver:

    Medan Lars Vilks’ rondellofona dog-musical ligger på tillväxt i den konstnärliga kuvösen, kanske ’the swingin’ sheik: A’hab the A’rab kan ge en försmak av vad vi kanske kan vänta på.

    Let me tell you about A’hab the A’rab
    The sheik of the burning sand
    He had emeralds and rubies just drippin’ off ’a him
    And a ring on every finger of his hand
    He wore a big ol’ turban wrapped around his head
    And a scimitar by his side
    And, every evenin’, about midnight
    He’d jump on his camel named Clyde, and ride

    [Spoken] Silently through the night to the sultan’s tent where he
    would secretly meet up with Fatima of the Seven Veils,
    swingingest grade ”A” …………………….
    – – – – – – –

  8. Fredrikzon skriver:


    Du kastar återigen in ett par brandfacklor för att elda under denna kvälls debatt. Bra initiativ!

    Högsta domstolens dom: Det är svårt att uttala sig tvärsäkert när man inte har alla detaljer. Frågan är om det ska vara skillnad på ett diskussionsforum och en tryckt tidning.

    Att aktivt homosexuella ”bör straffas med döden genom att hängas på pålar” är ett uttalande som jag inte tycker tillför debatten så mycket konstruktivt. Det skulle knappast tillåtas i en tidning. Som åskådningsexempel på hur vissa extremreligiösa kristna uttalar sig kan det i och för sig ha ett värde.

    Men om vi skulle göra oss av med alla begränsningar i yttrandefriheten, då skulle vi också vara tvingade att godta dödshot mot t.ex konstnären. Är det önskvärt?

  9. ln skriver:

    ”Vad får man teckna och måla?”

    Naturligtvis inte al Lahs springpojke!



    Skall Högsta Donstolen bli jury i en morbid skönhetstävling.
    När tittade ledamöterna sig i spegeln senast? Stofilerna!

  10. Muhammedanismofob skriver:


    Intressant inlägg ovan!

    Det skulle vara yttermera intressant att veta vad du tycker om idén att kriminalisera Muhammedanismen. som i klara ordalag oförblommerat hotar att utplåna alla ”kuffar= otrogna” och grilla dem i helvetets eld?!

  11. Cecilia skriver:

    Fredrikzon skriver:
    –Men om vi skulle göra oss av med alla begränsningar i yttrandefriheten, då skulle vi också vara tvingade att godta dödshot mot t.ex konstnären. Är det önskvärt?—

    Privat så säger folk de mest hemska saker till varandra, inklusive dödshot. I hemmet, på fredagskvällen i fyllan, etc. Saker som om de vore ”officiella”, verkar falla utanför de begränsningar i yttrandefriheten som råder.
    Men gör de det egentligen?
    Eller är det så att uppfattningen om begränsningar är ogenomtänkt?

    Yttrandefriheten är väl att man får säga vad man tycker är rätt – inte göra vad man tycker är rätt.

    Hets mot folkgrupp – orden förespeglar en uppviglingsfaktor. Med mål a la lynchning på ett mer eller mindre organiserat sätt.
    Att tycka om folkgrupp, är lagligt och faller under yttrandefriheten.

    Är det inte i att kunna definiera skillnaden däremellan som en del av problemet ligger?
    Om man för ner det på det privata planet, så tycks det vara lättare att se klart… kanske.

  12. TJ skriver:

    ”Med hälsningar från New York, idag skall vi se om det finns någon intressant samtidskonst i staden. Det är tveksamt.”

    Hahaha, – är nog inte helt osannolikt.

  13. Fredrikzon skriver:

    Jag skulle nog vilja påstå att ”tycka” faller under åsiktsfriheten, inte yttrandefriheten.

    Åsiktsfriheten är så vitt jag vet obegränsad. Som tur är, skulle man kunna säga, eftersom man inte så lätt kan ta reda på vad folk tycker.

    Hets mot folkgrupp – det må vara homosexuella, vänsterhänta, araber, judar eller eskimoer – är inte tillåtet enligt gällande lag. Ej heller att hota eller uppvigla eller förtala. Jag är inte säker på att det är helt grundlösa förbud. En politiskt korrekt åsikt kanske?

  14. Gottfrid G skriver:


    ”Hets mot folkgrupp – det må vara homosexuella, vänsterhänta, araber, judar eller eskimoer – är inte tillåtet enligt gällande lag”.

    – Hets mot Svenskar då?!
    – och vad säger du om hets mot västerlänningar i dina favoritländer; Iran, Syrien, Lybien m fl och bland den ”folkgrupp” som du särskilt omhuldar!?!
    Kan inte du tala med ”dina vänner” och lansera dem dina ”kloka” idéer om tolerans och medmänsklighet så att de slutar hetsa mot oss, terrorisera oss, spränga oskyldiga turister, kidnappa och halshugga hjälparbetare mm?!

  15. Fredrikzon skriver:

    Hej Fobbe (Islamofob),

    Jodå, hets mot svenskar är förbjudet i Sverige, i alla fall om de är homosexuella, vänsterhänta, araber, judar eller eskimoer.

    Jag håller med dig, hets mot västerlänningar bör förbjudas i Iran, Syrien, Lybien såvida det inte redan är det. Jag är säker på att detta läses i de berörda länder.

  16. Mahmoud Aldebe, Art Critic skriver:

    Gates of Vienna September 20, 2007 Thursday 7:54 PM EST:

    ”Mahmoud Aldebe, Art Critic

    Baron Bodissey

    Sep. 20, 2007 — These Modoggie stories just won’t
    Mahmoud Aldebe, the chairman of Sveriges Muslimska Förbund (the Muslim Association of Sweden), spoke out about the Modoggies in an interview on Swedish radio P4 Örebro today [RealPlayer soundfile]. Carpenter has supplied a
    ”Nobody should feel free to agitate against Muslims, as protected by laws. There ought to be a clear law to protect the Muslim minority in this
    So you mean that there should be a concept of Islamophobia, and that it should be
    ”Yes. I want to see that Islamophobia and anti-Semitism are prevented. Nobody should try to insult groups of people and cite the freedom of speech
    But this drawing is about a person, or a symbol, for Muslims. It’s not about every
    ”I actually expected a review of the artist’s background and opinions on politics. He clearly shows, when explaining, that he’s actually proud of his ability to somehow draw it
    For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.>”

  17. Modoggies Ruled Non-Contemptuous skriver:

    Gates of Vienna September 20, 2007 Thursday 2:31 PM EST:

    ”Modoggies Ruled Non-Contemptuous

    Baron Bodissey

    Sep. 20, 2007 — Earlier this month I reported that a Muslim group in Sweden had sued to have Lars Vilks charged with hets mot folkgrupp, ”agitation against an ethnic
    Now the Justice Chancellor has ruled that the case against Mr. Vilks holds no merit, and it has been dropped. According to The Local:>
    ’Muhammad cartoon not racial
    A cartoon depicting Prophet Muhammad as a dog, published in a local Swedish newspaper in August, did not constitute incitement to racial hatred, Sweden’s justice chancellor ruled on
    Three Swedish Muslim organizations had asked Justice Chancellor Göran Lambertz — the only official in Sweden entitled to indict in cases concerning freedom of the press — to press charges of incitement to racial hatred against the newspaper Nerikes Allehanda and its editor-in-chief Ulf
    The paper published the cartoon to illustrate a leader on the importance of freedom of
    Lambertz noted that for the charge to stick, it needed to be proven that ”contempt” was
    ”Neither the leader nor the sketch, which has a satirical tone, expresses contempt against any ethnic group,” he said in a
    ”While many practicing Muslims may perceive primarily the cartoon as offensive, neither the content of the article nor the cartoon can be considered as crossing the line of what is permissible within the freedom of the press,” he
    ”The justice chancellor will therefore not pursue the Sweden, like most Western countries, does not recognize an absolute right to free expression — there are limits to what one may say or publish. But this ruling shows that the Swedish judicial system is scrupulous in its observance and enforcement of those limits.
    >If Mr. Vilks had said, ”Mohammed was a pig,” then he would probably have been charged with hets mot folkgrupp. The same would have happened if he had referred to the heroin-smuggling habits of Kosovars in Sweden, as did the unfortunate Dahn Pettersson.
    – – – – – – – –
    But there are legal limits, and the justice chancellor has observed them. Muslims in Sweden do not have an absolute right not to be
    However, they have decided to be offended anyway. Hamas in particular has taken offense, as Paul Green pointed out in a
    A new addition to Lars Vilks’ art Check out this music video, aired by the Hamas channel Al-Aqsa TV yesterday and translated by MEMRI. The film features footage of corpses at terror attack scenes and of little kids in cammies strutting in formation with toy weapons in a schoolroom, while the jaunty jingle includes such lyrics as, ”A bombing every minute … in black bags, chunks of flesh of Jews
    But the real kicker comes in a blurb at the
    Dedicated to the Arab and Palestinian community in ”Chunks of flesh of Jews”??
    >Is that hets mot folkgrupp?
    Hat Carpenter.>
    For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.>”

  18. Dead Man Walking skriver:

    Gates of Vienna September 20, 2007 Thursday 12:30 PM EST:

    ”Lars Vilks is a Dead Man Walking

    Baron Bodissey

    Sep. 20, 2007 — Yesterday I reported on a seminar in Stockholm at which Lars Vilks’ drawings were displayed, and the artist was present to discuss the
    Now I have some additional information about the seminar, based on an article in yesterday’s Svenska Dagbladet. Our Danish correspondent Kepiblanc has translated it, accompanied by this
    The fact that Muslims can stand up at a public meeting and talk about Vilks as a ”dead man walking” without police interference is quite And now for the translation itself:
    >Commotion while debating Vilks’ drawings
    >Halfway through a seminar on freedom of speech in Stockholm a group of Muslims hijacked the focus from Lars Vilks. In Swedish and Arabic Husam Madani criticized the Swedish artist and defended the prophet.
    A According to Arabic -speaking listeners Husam Madani said as ”Let his death be a lesson for the others.”
    >People in the audience took that as a threat. The police did not interfere while he was speaking.
    >Already half an hour prior to the seminar, arranged by Humanists of Stockholm and the Central Committee of Ex-Muslims in Sweden, a large media presence gathered outside the venue. Swedish as well as international press were ready.
    >Several police patrols cruised the area and the participants of the meeting were screened.
    >”Islam is becoming a political movement if you use religion for political purposes. We secular Muslims must react. To preserve freedom of speech is of utmost importance to mankind,” says Afsaneh Vahdat, Chairman of Ex-Muslims in Sweden.
    >Lars Vilks himself displayed the notorious drawing of the prophet Mohammed as a roundabout-dog:
    >”I couldn’t exhibit it and that’s why so few people have actually seen it. Some people say it isn’t art, so I have commanded myself to draw a better one.”
    >During the seminar some men prayed in the apartment above the seminar.
    >”We are Muslims and we love the prophet. We do not accept what this man is doing. It is forbidden,” says Husam Madani.
    >The others applauded. They were not affiliated with any particular organization, they claimed.- – – – – – – – When the seminar opened for questions the men entered. The meeting’s moderator allowed Husam Madani to speak.
    >”We do not accept anyone to say one single unpleasant word about our prophet. We love out prophet more than out parents, more than our children, more than our lives.
    >”I want to say a word to I call you to Islam. And I will say a word to Lars Vilks.” And then Husam Madani said something in Arabic. During that he was interrupted by the audience and some shouted that he was threatening. Yet Lars Vilks and the other panelists wanted to hear what he was saying.
    >When Husam Madani had finished he and the men left the venue.
    >Once again it was publicized that more than 100 Swedish companies were threatened by militant Islamists. Addresses and maps have been published on web-sites.
    >”Some people say that I am responsible. I will not accept that. The responsibility lies with those who threaten,” says Lars Vilks in a comment.
    >For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.>”

  19. Associated Press Worldstream skriver:

    Associated Press Worldstream September 20, 2007 Thursday 4:09 PM GMT:

    ”Swedish justice official says newspaper broke no laws in publishing prophet cartoon

    STOCKHOLM Sweden

    A Swedish newspaper did not violate the country’s freedom of expression laws when it published a cartoon depicting Prophet Muhammad with a dog’s body, a senior Swedish justice official ruled Thursday.

    A number of Swedish Muslim groups had sought to sue the Nerikes Allehanda newspaper for inciting hatred against ethnic groups by publishing the drawing in an editorial on Aug. 19.

    In his ruling, Justice Chancellor Goran Lambertz wrote ”the content in neither the article nor the drawing can be regarded as having violated what is permitted within the freedom of the press… The Chancellor of Justice will therefore not take any measures.”

    The Chancellor of Justice is the only institution in Sweden permitted to prosecute media in cases related to freedom of expression and media libel cases.

    Lambertz also noted that ”the principals of freedom of expression constitute an important foundation for free debate and opinion making. The purpose of the legislation about inciting hatred against ethnic groups has not been to obstruct debate or criticism.”

    He added that neither the drawing by Lars Vilks nor the newspaper editorial that criticized Swedish art galleries for not displaying the artist’s work, showed contempt for ethnic groups.

    Dogs are considered unclean by conservative Muslims, and Islamic law generally opposes any depiction of the prophet, even favorable, for fear it could lead to idolatry.

    Iran and Pakistan have protested the drawings, and both Vilks and the Nerikes Allehanda Editor-in-Chief Ulf Johansson have received death threats from al-Qaida in Iraq.”

  20. Associated Press Worldstream skriver:

    Associated Press Worldstream September 20, 2007 Thursday 5:42 PM GMT:

    ”Here are excerpts from editorials in newspapers around the world:

    Sept. 18

    Hufvudstadsbladet, Helsinki, Finland, on al-Qaida death threat against Swedish cartoonist:

    International Muslim organizations are now strongly distancing themselves from the death threat on Lars Vilks, the artist, and chief editor Ulf Johansson. According to secretary-general Hussein Halawa, the European Council for Fatwa and Research will soon issue an international statement which will declare the death threat ”haram,” or forbidden by Islam. The Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe is also trying to ensure that the conflict does not spread internationally.

    These are welcome standpoints, which hopefully will have an impact on the 92 organizations around the world that will distribute that message. It is also a welcome sign that the Muslim organizations jointly condemn the death threat as an unacceptable action, which is not supported by anyone else except extremists.

    On the Net:

  21. Deseret Morning News (Salt Lake City) skriver:

    Deseret Morning News (Salt Lake City) September 19, 2007 Wednesday:

    ”World datelines

    Sweden: Muhammad cartoon

    STOCKHOLM — A Swedish artist displayed a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad to a seminar in Stockholm on Tuesday despite a death threat from al-Qaida in Iraq.

    ”Nobody has really seen this image, and it has just become more and more impossible to show it, so I thought that ordinary people should be given the possibility to see it live,” Lars Vilks told a crowd of about 100 people at a seminar.

    He then held up the drawing — a rough sketch depicting Muhammad’s head on a dog’s body — to applause from the crowd at the Berwaldhallen concert hall in the Swedish capital.”

  22. "Blog Talk Radio With Fausta and Siggy skriver:

    Gates of Vienna September 19, 2007 Wednesday 10:32 PM EST:

    ”Blog Talk Radio With Fausta and Siggy

    Baron Bodissey

    Sep. 19, 2007 — Dymphna and I just spent an hour talking to Fausta and Siggy on Blog Talk
    We had an entertaining time, discussing the ”parachute fatwa”, Lars Vilks and the Modoggies, President Ahmadinejad’s visit to New York, and college education for illegal immigrants, among other things. There was quite an argument, although whether it was entertaining for anyone other than the participants is hard to
    If you want to listen to it, the podcast is here. We talked for an hour, but it seems that only the first forty-five minutes were actually recorded for the program. Unfortunately, that means you will the miss the most exciting part, when I screamed at the other three and threw an empty snaps bottle at the
    Siggy blogs at Sigmund, Carl, and Alfred. Fausta blogs, surprisingly enough, at .>”

  23. Testing the Limits skriver:

    Gates of Vienna September 19, 2007 Wednesday 9:56 AM EST:

    ”Testing the Limits

    Baron Bodissey

    Sep. 19, 2007 — One of the things that I have noticed about the Modoggie Crisis is that Lars Vilks — despite the rudimentary nature of his scrawled drawings and the manifest unseriousness of the artist’s statements — did not undertake his blasphemous task lightly or at random. There is a method in his
    And now he has made that fact clear. According to The Local:>
    Lars Vilks took part on Tuesday evening in a seminar in Stockholm organized by the Council of Ex-Muslims of Sweden and the Swedish Humanist
    Vilks reminded his audience that the drawing had been meant as a provocation. The art and culture communities in Sweden repeatedly criticize the United States and Israel, he said, whereas Muslim countries are rarely even questioned. The caricature of Muhammad as a ’roundabout dog’ was his way of ”testing the limits” of
    ”I suppose one could say that from that perspective I have been entirely successful,” said Vilks. [emphasis Well, kudos to Lars Vilks!
    >The intentionality of his effort should give pause to the politicians who are now sweating bullets, hoping and praying that further escalation can be avoided, at least until the other party is in power.
    >It’s also evidence that he’s not going to quit provoking people with his drawings. He began this with full knowledge of what he what he was getting into, and a few piddling death threats are evidently not enough to deter him.
    >There was a report on his Stockholm appearance last night on Finnish television. Tundra Tabloids has a – – – – – – – – Finnish MTV3 reports that Lars Vilks refuses to hide. Last night in Stockholm, and under heavy police protection, Lars Vilks, the artist that pictured Islam’s prophet Mohamed as a round-a-bout dog, showed his art work to about a hundred people gathered at the event.
    >MTV3 reports that ”Muslim extremists have called for the boycott of over a hundred Swedish businesses, including SAS, Arla, Volvo and Ikea… Vilks showed the Mohamed characterised as a dog pictures to former Muslims and
    the Stockholm Humanist Society who arranged the
    When asked how he felt about the threats against his life, Vilks mentioned in the televised news footage that he was serious about the threats, and that it has made his life more difficult. The text in Finnish ”But otherwise I feel safe. The police know their Lars Vilks has been forthright in his statements, but not so the leaders of Sweden’s government. Here’s the latest from Prime Minister Reinfeldt, from Sveriges Television, as translated by
    ”I always take threats seriously. Those who agitate for the use of violence will often realize their wishes in a way they did not expect,” Fredrik Reinfeldt
    ”I think I should take my part of the responsibility and try to oppose and deal with those who agitate for violence — or those who surround them — to try to ease it, to release the pressure so that we don’t get into an escalating development of which there is now a great risk,” he Actually, given the Swedish tendency to indirection and conciliation, these are pretty strong words coming from Mr. Reinfeldt. He didn’t say, ”There is an absolute right to freedom of expression in this country, and I will defend to the death Mr. Vilks’ right to draw Modoggies.” On the other hand, that’s not the way Swedes do things. This is stronger than previous statements, so the next step in the progression will be an interesting one.
    >The Local also talks about the boycott of Swedish businesses:>
    Islamists push for boycott of Swedish
    Websites run by militant Islamists have listed the names of over 100 Swedish companies as possible targets in the ongoing row surrounding the publication in Swedish newspapers of a caricature of the Muslim prophet
    Detailing the addresses, maps and logos of Swedish businesses, the websites called for their readers to boycott these firms and ”take revenge” on Sweden for the publication of a controversial cartoon by artist Las
    SAS, H&M, Alfa Laval, TV 4 and Arla were among the companies listed, according to SVT news programme Rapport, which based its report on a study carried out by the Washington-based SITE Institute (the Search for International Terror * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Lars Vilks, as has been noted previously, is no right-winger. His milieu is the trendy world of avant-garde modernist art, and his politics — as far as they can be detected by a non-Swede — have been straightforward
    But he takes his leftist principles seriously. The freedom to shock the bourgeoisie at will has been unquestioned; now it’s time to claim the freedom to shock the Umma as
    He’s an unlikely champion of Western Civilization, but we live in interesting
    >Hat tip for The CG.
    >For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.>”

  24. The Record (Bergen County, NJ) skriver:

    The Record (Bergen County, NJ) September 19, 2007 Wednesday:


    Cartoonist displays Muhammad sketch

    STOCKHOLM, Sweden – A Swedish artist displayed a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad to a seminar Tuesday in Stockholm, despite a death threat from al-Qaida in Iraq.

    ”Nobody has really seen this image and it has just become more and more impossible to show it, so I thought that ordinary people should be given the possibility to see it live,” Lars Vilks told a crowd of about 100.

    He then held up a rough sketch depicting Muhammad’s head on a dog’s body to applause from the crowd. Dogs are considered unclean by conservative Muslims, and Islamic law generally opposes any depiction of the prophet for fear it could lead to idolatry.

    On Saturday, the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, offered rewards for the killing of Vilks and a Swedish newspaper editor who published the cartoon Aug. 19.”

  25. hobbit skriver:

    missar massa intressanta inlägg när man försöker undvika spam:et. Kan du inte lägga in länkar till alla artiklar?

  26. Elisabet skriver:

    Jävla spam-filter.

  27. Elisabet skriver:

    Apropå censuren: OK, det är inte Lars Vilks’ fel.
    Men jag såg en kommentar inlagd som senare togs bort.
    That’s it.

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