Del 510: Ej död, snarare uppstånden

Hur var det nu? Är det herr Vilks som sitter där borta? Är han inte död? Men han rör ju på sig. Nå, vissa hoppas ännu att det är överståndet för herr artist Vilks:

Från den död som dessa röster talar om har Vilks kunnat visa världen att den uppståndelse han åstadkommit är mångtydig. (Tack ”Herr Blå” för väl genomförd spaning i skumma nätverk).

Granskningsnämnden har granskat, fällt och friat radio och TV. Ett par intressanta höjdpunkter kan man studera, t ex kränkande rökning och så rondellhundsvisningen. Den senare kränkte inte tillräckligt för att bannlysas.

Fast man skall ha klart för sig att den återkommande tesen om att betraktaren skapar verket i hög grad fortsätter att vara aktuell. Kränkningar sitter i huvudet på folk som får för sig. Det kan också vara så att en hel del får för sig att tänka in kränkningar i ett framlagt verk. Man kan aldrig vara riktigt säker på vad det man ser betyder. Emellanåt blir fantasierna om monstruös kränkning överväldigande. Hänger reaktionerna samman med tydlighet och storlek? Dagens akvarell lämpar sig att studera ur den synpunkten.

Rondellhunden i våldsam klippterräng (3 x 3,5 cm)

Det här inlägget postades i Kommentarer nästan varje dag, Muhammedsaken. Bokmärk permalänken.

45 svar på Del 510: Ej död, snarare uppstånden

  1. Jesper skriver:

    Jag förstår mig inte på folk.
    Det är bra att någon kämpar för yttrandefriheten!

  2. Christer Eriksson skriver:

    Angående återuppståndelse så är det inte konstigt att Jesus ännu inte har nedstigit på jorden eftersom kristendomen aldrig har förhållit sig till modern vetenskap. Det är ett bevisat faktum att ett återinträde i jordatmosfären måste ske med en vinkel på 16 grader gentemot jorden. Är den mer än det så har Jesus brunnit upp för länge sedan och om den är mindre så har han studsat ut i rymden igen och sitter kanske idag på en av Jupiters månar och tittar ner på moder jord!

  3. Cecilia skriver:

    Jag gillar speciellt det lyfta vänsterbenet – han verkar väldigt avslappad.
    Åsså skuggorna till höger… vet nog inte riktigt hur de ska bete sig 🙂

    Fina färger! Vacker klippa.

    Akvarell är ju ”instant”, dvs inte lätt. Gillar ditt flyt.
    Och gillar miniformatet multum. Du måste då också ha hittat ett bra papper med liten gräng?

  4. Kondom i strømperne skriver:

    Jyllands-Posten om Sverige-Israel:

    Fodboldspiller havde sex mellem halvlegene

    Af THOMAS HEINE, Jyllands-Postens korrespondent

    Offentliggjort 06.02.08 kl. 12:40

    Israel gik målløst fra en VM-kvalifikationskamp mod Sverige, men en enkelt scoring blev det alligevel til.


    Eksperter har i årtier diskuteret, hvorvidt det for fodboldspillere er godt eller dårligt med sex før en vigtig match. Men så vidt vides har ingen hidtil forsket i, hvad sex under en match betyder for præstationen på banen.

    Eksemplet Felix Halfon, en forhenværende israelsk landsholdsback, tyder imidlertid ikke på, at det er et universalmiddel for succes. I 1993 var Israel i en VM-kvalifikationskamp mod Sverige på Råsunda bagud 2-0 efter første halvleg, men en israelsk scoring kom i pausen, da Halfon mødte en svensk kvinde i spillerkorridoren og havde sex med hende i et skab.

  5. Muslimer vrede igen skriver:

    Kristeligt Dagblad om censur af Muhammed-tegning:

    Muhammed-tegning i leksikon skaber røre

    Muslimer har indsamlet 90.000 underskrifter mod en Muhammed-tegning i internet-encyklopædien Wikipedia, som dog ikke har tænkt sig at fjerne tegningen

    Tobias Stern Johansen

    En ny strid om profeten Muhammed er under opsejling, skriver

    Denne gang handler det dog ikke om en række nye karikaturer, men derimod om en illustration fra middelalderen af muslimernes profet, som optræder i den engelske udgave af internet-encyklopædien Wikipedia.

    Muhammeds ansigt forbudt
    Illustrationen, som bringes sammen med en artikel om profeten Muhammed, har ført til et hav af klager til Wikipedia.–Muhammed-tegning-i-leksikon-skaber-roere

  6. Cecilia skriver:

    Abu Adam tycks leva upp till sin devis om ett uppriktigt hjärta…? Eller övertolkar jag hans fråga?
    För han kanske inte alls menar ”så”, utan frågar bara av oro?
    Vad Quest tycker, är ju mera klart. H*n måste väl ändå avsky sitt liv i Sverige? Undrar då varför h*n bestämt sig för att bo här – tycker att h*n har en mission kanske?

    Intressant i Sydsvenskan idag, artikel om Sara Mohammed:
    ”– Men framför allt politisk islam är känsligt i det svenska samhället. Elfte september, Muhammedteckningarna och rondellhundarna är sådant som spritt rädsla som gör att en del inte vågar säga saker högt.”
    Hon säger också:
    ” De mänskliga rättigheterna måste vara den högsta principen.”
    Begåvat enkelt, eller hur?

  7. Det wikipedianske flag skriver:

    ”Afventer med bevaret sindsro afbrænding af det wikipedianske flag og ditto ambassade.

  8. Censorship of fools skriver:

    On Muhammed:

    Muslim, Muhammed, Wikipedia Controversy

    Major hat tip to Little Green Footballs.

    A group of Muslims have started a petition against Wikipedia because on the Muhammed entry page, there is a 15th century illustration in a copy of a manuscript by Al-B?r?n?, depicting Muhammad preaching the Qur’?n in Mecca.
    The petition can be found here and it states ”In Islam pictures or Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and other holly figures are not allowed, but on wikipedia they has published some pictures that are showing not only a body with white face but an image that has a complete face.. that is even not allowed by SHITAT fact of Islam.
    i request all my brothers and sisters to sign this petition so we can tell wikipedia to remove them.

    The petition also lists the url of the offending picture, which they list as this.

    The petition was started last night and as of right now has over 83,000 signatures. The controversy seems to have just began.

    The Muhammed Wikipedia page is here.

    People have been going in and editing the page, removing the pictures and the Wikipedia management has had to fully protect the page, disallowing anyone to edit it.

  9. Muhammed is gone skriver:


    Muhammed is gone in English Wikipedia

  10. Vi har ytringsfrihed og religionsfrihed skriver:

    Kristeligt Dagblad om Fogh og Muhammed-krisen:

    Muhammedkrisen er ikke glemt

    Indiske studerende på toplederuddannelse opfatter Danmark og Europa som anti-muslimsk. Fogh måtte tirsdag svare på spørgsmål om Muhammedkrisen To år efter Muhammed-krisen er sagen ikke glemt i den globale landsby. Det kom til udtryk, da statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen (V) talte for en gruppe studerende på Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, der uddanner cremen af fremtidens indiske ledere.

    Muslimer fylder blot 13 procent i Indiens befolkning, men blandt de indiske studerende er der i et vist omfang en opfattelse af Europa og Danmark som anti-muslimsk.

    En af de fremmødte gav udtryk for, at Europa og Danmark – set fra Asien – virker stærkt anti-muslimsk. Han henviste blandt andet til sagen om Muhammed-tegningerne, men også til forhold i andre europæiske lande. Vil muslimer nogensinde blive integreret i Europa, spurgte han Fogh.

    – Lad mig understrege, at der ikke er nogen negativ stemning imod muslimer. Hvis du ser negative følelser, må de rette sig imod religiøs ekstremisme, sagde Fogh.–Muhammedkrisen-er-ikke-glemt

  11. Breaking News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! skriver:

    Osama is in Pakistan

    ”# 100,410: Feb 6, 2008, Osama Bin Ladden , Pakistan”

  12. Censorship of fools skriver:

    ”We signed the ”Remove the Illustrations of Muhammad from Wikipedia” petition! # 100,418: Feb 6, 2008, Lal hussain Mughal , Ireland

    # 100,417: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , India

    # 100,416: Feb 6, 2008, Essa Ayub , Pakistan

    # 100,414: Feb 6, 2008, Gazeddin Hus , India
    living in a free world doesnt mean to hurt anyone around you. We muslim arent merely hurt rather torn to see such remarks to our most SACRED person to whom we love incomparable to any substance. and thats the kind of attitude which pushes muslims for any kind of attack. so remove it !

    # 100,413: Feb 6, 2008, Nazia Ambreen , United Kingdom

    # 100,412: Feb 6, 2008, Amirah Gambadoro , United Kingdom

    # 100,411: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , Missouri
    Muslims demand that we respect their religion but yet they have no respect for others, they demand rights for all muslims but yet give no rights (and in fact take them away) to followers of other religions. I have had it up to here with muslims demanding and acting like they rule the religious world and everyone else is an infidel. When muslims learn tolerance then MAYBE I might agree with the removal of the pictures. I like the pictures, it gives me and idea of what life was like in those times. We in the media beg that the radical muslims dont behead innocent civilians, yet they demand removal of US troops in the mideast. When you all learn to act like normal people maybe we might start listening to you, or at least listen to your points. Hey Islam come into the REAL world and we will be happy to discuss it or are you gonna chop someone head off, or ask Muhammad the child molester if he would approve of it?

    # 100,410: Feb 6, 2008, Osama Bin Ladden , Pakistan

    # 100,409: Feb 6, 2008, Shaki Abbas , Michigan

    # 100,408: Feb 6, 2008, Faiza K , Canada

    # 100,407: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , Egypt

    # 100,406: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , New Jersey

    # 100,405: Feb 6, 2008, Kareem Altardeh , Illinois

    # 100,404: Feb 6, 2008, Osama Abdallah , Maryland

    # 100,403: Feb 6, 2008, Mohamed Tarek Kawy , New York
    Please remove the photos, this will be really appreciated. By putting the photos you are just direspecting our Prophet(SAW). Thank you

    # 100,402: Feb 6, 2008, Dan Ross , Texas
    Dan Ross – Screw you people, I’m sick of muslims bitching about our lack of respect for their ”peaceful” religion, when they have NO respect for any other.

    # 100,401: Feb 6, 2008, Keith Johnson , Idaho
    The biggest slap-in-the-face to Islam is how most Muslims live. It is an insult to Islam that the VAST majority of Muslims live in squalor while a few extremely rich Muslims keep the ignorant masses in their putred situation by focusing their hate on America, Israel, the West, other religions, etc. It’s a classic example of ”poor me poor me”. Wake up, Muslims! If you used a fraction of your hatred and energy to improve things for your lot, you might actually accomplish something in this century (note that Muslims living in Muslim lands haven’t invented anything that is used globally for about a thousand years – and certainly not to a proportion that their population would indicate!)

    # 100,400: Feb 6, 2008, Screw Muhammed , Georgia
    Great Job Wikipedia. You are brave and these weak-minded people are just trying to threaten you!

    # 100,399: Feb 6, 2008, Taha Al Ansari , Canada
    Please respect the muslim if u intend on posting information about their fate. I do understand that there will be many egnorant people who may think something else on this, all i can say to them is to do thier PROPER research. As for wikipedia i kindly request them to remove our beloved prophet Muhamed Peace Be Upon Him picture as for removing his pictures will do wikipedia any damage.

    # 100,397: Feb 6, 2008, JOHNNY LIGHTNING , Michigan
    what will you find next to complain about?

    # 100,396: Feb 6, 2008, Muhammad Akmal Pasha , Pakistan
    Plz respect the sacred personalities of the religions of the people of the world.

    # 100,395: Feb 6, 2008, Fatima Patel , United Arab Emirates
    every religion needs to be respected and we muslims deserve to be respected.

    # 100,394: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , Morocco
    please ,please, we beg you to remove all the pictures of muhammad salla allaho 3alayhi wa salam from vikipedia,

    # 100,393: Feb 6, 2008, TIJJANI ZUBAIRU GAMBO , Nigeria
    Please respect the ethics of Islam & remove that illustration. I see this illustration as an act of provocation of muslims around the world. Please and please, in the interest of peace remove immediately

    # 100,392: Feb 6, 2008, MARWAN Mokhtar , New Jersey

    # 100,391: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , United Kingdom

    # 100,390: Feb 6, 2008, Misbah Rasool , New Jersey

    # 100,389: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , Egypt

    # 100,388: Feb 6, 2008, Biya Syed , United Kingdom

    # 100,387: Feb 6, 2008, Muhammad Rafiq , New York

    # 100,386: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , Wisconsin

    # 100,385: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , Pakistan

    # 100,384: Feb 6, 2008, Aïcha ….. , Belgium

    # 100,383: Feb 6, 2008, Mohamed Shawkat , New York

    # 100,382: Feb 6, 2008, Ali Albi Alwin , Georgia
    Mohammed looks soooooo sexy!! Woo Hoo Baby!!! Yeah!!! Show me some naked pics of that hunk of a sexy prophet!!!! Death to the Middle East!!

    # 100,381: Feb 6, 2008, Munazza Waseem , United Kingdom

    # 100,380: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , India

    # 100,379: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , Netherlands
    its about time that these idiots go back to the middle east and stay there more and more we put a fist against them muslims ,and its about time this is by far the most idiotic religion @

    # 100,378: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , Massachusetts
    Please do NOT remove these images. These images were made by Muslim historians at a time when images of the Prophet were not forbidden. To remove them would be pitiful I want a better understanding of Islam so all the world’s religions can live in peace. To remove them would infer that Islam is not absolute in its beliefs, that depictions allowed in the 13th century are prohibited now. Allah is absolute. Praised be Allah!

    # 100,377: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , United Kingdom

    # 100,376: Feb 6, 2008, Fatema Saleh , United Arab Emirates

    # 100,375: Feb 6, 2008, Ali Muse , United Kingdom

    # 100,374: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , California

    # 100,373: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , Pakistan

    # 100,372: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , Germany

    # 100,371: Feb 6, 2008, Usama Bin Laden , Afghanistan
    I have really thought about it and looked over the picture. I think it is ok. We have really been wrong in our cause and I can now admit that me and my followers are truly evil. As of today, I am declaring the end of Jihad and order my followers to carry out the suicide pledge. Don’t worry, you will still qualify for the virgins!

    # 100,370: Feb 6, 2008, Oelek Boeloe , Indonesia

    # 100,369: Feb 6, 2008, Muhammad Muhammad jr. , Albania
    Keep the picture UP!!! Don’t cave to this idiotic request.

    # 100,368: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , Bosnia And Herzegovina

    # 100,367: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , Georgia

    # 100,366: Feb 6, 2008, Linn Elliott , Missouri
    He was a person like you and me. Get over it.

    # 100,365: Feb 6, 2008, Urooj Shahab , Pakistan

    # 100,364: Feb 6, 2008, M A , United Kingdom

    # 100,363: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , Afghanistan
    Good, correct and intelligent muslims actually exist! But you certainly won’t find them here as those people would not sign such a petition.

    # 100,362: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , New York

    # 100,361: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , Pakistan

    # 100,360: Feb 6, 2008, SF Daddy , Arizona
    F*ck you Muslims! You are bunch of dirty nasty sand $@*##*. I spent too much time in the middle east and the Balkans protecting your dirty asses. Now I say F*CK YOU! and Mr MO the child rapist son of a b!tch! Oh by the way Pick up the damn trash! f*ck your dirty!

    # 100,359: Feb 6, 2008, Billy Bob , California
    GO TO HELL AND FUK OFF, assholes. No one cares about your stupid religion. Practice it on your own.

    # 100,358: Feb 6, 2008, Piet Giot , Bolivia
    grow up!!!!!

    # 100,357: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , Botswana

    # 100,356: Feb 6, 2008, Porky Pig , New York
    I love the MOH pics. Please post more so I can view them while eating bacon!

    # 100,355: Feb 6, 2008, EHSAN ANSARI , Canada
    We as Muslims need to learn tolerance. Prophet Muhammed (may peace be upon him) never reacted adversely in any matter. We need to do the same. We don’t have to be disrespectful to anyone. If we we want the photo to be removed then we ask for it politely with the right authorities. We don’t need to make it a life & death issue. It will not cause harm to God or his Prophet neither it will benefit them both. By making insane comments & adverse reaction may be we would ruin our good deeds. So all Muslims be careful in whatever you do & write as God is always watching. In the end we need to please God & no one else. Jazak Allah Kheir

    # 100,354: Feb 6, 2008, NO Way , Kentucky
    No Way … Muslims are a bunch of crybabies …. Where is the outcry against Islams persacution of Jews and Christians … Islamics’ please walk aroud Islamic cities with a a billboard on your body front and back that says and scream out ”I have left Islam and now worship Jesus” and pass out free Bibles… … then if you live come back and tell us about it … Religion of Peace who you fooling? Your self … Compare the prophets life – Jesus – Mo-ham-mad – Cry babies …

    # 100,353: Feb 6, 2008, Basheer Shanti , New York

    # 100,352: Feb 6, 2008, Omar Mostafa , Egypt”

  13. Faraz - the first fool skriver:

    ”We signed the ”Remove the Illustrations of Muhammad from Wikipedia” petition! # 50:Dec 6, 2007, Inamur Rehaman, India
    please immidiate remove pic.of our hujur

    # 49:Dec 6, 2007, Fazi Ur Rahman, Saudi Arabia
    Remove it Now

    # 48:Dec 6, 2007, Sajid Amin, Belgium

    # 47:Dec 6, 2007, Feroz Suthar, United Arab Emirates
    The act of displaying images of our Prophet(PBUH)is the greatest lie the history has witnessed. As such there are no images or idols or photos of our Prophet(PBUH)it is strictly prohibited in Islam. So stop this nonsense act and stop fooling around with people and hurting religious sentiments of billions of muslims throughout this universe. I hope this petition doesn’t fall on dumb people

    # 46:Dec 6, 2007, Mahmood SHETH, United Arab Emirates

    # 45:Dec 6, 2007, Mamoon Al-Azami, United Kingdom
    Please respect the feelings of Muslims to the Prophet. You dont need a picture to learn about him. Stepping on feelings the wrong way means some people from the Muslim community will react wrongly and cause pain to all of us. Do we really need another source of conflit??

    # 44:Dec 6, 2007, Syed Masood Ali, Saudi Arabia
    Please remove the photo of our Prophet. It may hurt the sentiments of all our Muslim Brother and sister

    # 43:Dec 6, 2007, Kayla Ross, Pennsylvania

    # 42:Dec 6, 2007, Ibrahim Bariwala, United Arab Emirates
    please dont hurt our religiou ego

    # 41:Dec 6, 2007, Mohammed Ahmed, India
    Please try to respect all regious sentiments and refrain from publishing Contoversial tropics to make your Website more popular and respected

    # 40:Dec 6, 2007, Zuber Hanslod, India

    # 39:Dec 6, 2007, Gentle Deer Lion Tamer, Texas

    # 38:Dec 5, 2007, Nicky Elizabeth, Maine

    # 37:Dec 5, 2007, Thomas Pirovano, Switzerland
    Very important!

    # 36:Dec 5, 2007, Nasir Butt, Pakistan
    It is very unreasonable to give picture of Apostle Muhammad (SAW). It may be removed immediately tendering pardon.

    # 35:Dec 5, 2007, Zee Shan, United Kingdom
    Wikipedia is an infomative website so it should not post these pictures to upset the whole muslim community in the world so please remove the pictures.

    # 34:Dec 5, 2007, Gaffar -, India

    # 33:Dec 5, 2007, Mohammed Abid, Saudi Arabia
    stop this nonsense act and stop fooling around with people and hurting religious sentiments of billions of muslims throughout this universe. I hope this petition doesn’t fall on dumb people.

    # 32:Dec 5, 2007, Anonymous, Idaho

    # 31:Dec 4, 2007, Adeel Ahmad, France
    Please remove these images.

    # 30:Dec 4, 2007, Saifur Rehman, India

    # 28:Dec 4, 2007, Anonymous, United Kingdom
    slaamz brother fight the power

    # 27:Dec 4, 2007, Fareed Uddin, Pakistan
    Care must be taken that any community {religious or other) is not offended by an independent and informative site like wikipedia.

    # 26:Dec 4, 2007, Suhail Ahmar, India

    # 25:Dec 4, 2007, Syed jalal Akbar, India
    tell the infedels and kafirs not to publish,host or carry images of our prophets…if so be prepared to face the wrath of god…and cosequences

    # 24:Dec 4, 2007, Sajid Qureshi, India
    please do not test our patience.

    # 23:Dec 4, 2007, Aijaz Ahmad, Saudi Arabia
    I strongly believe these are the acts that forces Muslims, most of the time, to react in a way that is some times inappropriate. It looks like that some people do this purposely to create panic and hate in the hearts of people of different religioin specifically muslims against other which is not the case.

    # 22:Dec 4, 2007, Basheer Dasthageer, Bahrain

    # 21:Dec 4, 2007, Abdullah Tayyab, Pakistan

    # 20:Dec 4, 2007, ZAINUL SYED, New York
    The act of displaying images of our Prophet(PBUH)is the greatest lie the history has witnessed. As such there are no images or idols or photos of our Prophet(PBUH)it is strictly prohibited in Islam. So stop this nonsense act and stop fooling around with people and hurting religious sentiments of billions of muslims throughout this universe. I hope this petition doesn’t fall on dumb people

    # 19:Dec 4, 2007, Vaseem M, India
    Imagery may lead to idol worship, this is the logical reason for prohibition of imagery. Please repsect religious sentiments

    # 18:Dec 4, 2007, Vaseem Khan, India
    stop this nonsense act and stop fooling around with people and hurting religious sentiments of billions of muslims throughout this universe. I hope this petition doesn’t fall on dumb people.

    # 17:Dec 4, 2007, Muhammad Khan, India
    The act of displaying images of our Prophet(PBUH)is the greatest lie the history has witnessed. As such there are no images or idols or photos of our Prophet(PBUH)it is strictly prohibited in Islam. So stop this nonsense act and stop fooling around with people and hurting religious sentiments of billions of muslims throughout this universe. I hope this petition doesn’t fall on dumb people.

    # 16:Dec 4, 2007, Zahid Khan, Pakistan
    please remvove these picture from the site.. thanks

    # 15:Dec 4, 2007, Vaseem Muhammad, India
    To undo the wrong, please remove the images of our beloved Prophet Muhammad(Peace be Upon Him) as it hurts our religious feelings and its blasphemous.

    # 14:Dec 4, 2007, Rehman Attiq, Canada

    # 13:Dec 4, 2007, SALEEM NAUSHAHI, Pakistan
    please remove the immages as these are fake and it is not allowed in our religeon

    # 12:Dec 4, 2007, Hamed Hamed, Egypt
    Please remove the pictures representing our beloved prophet and first, because it’s not real , second do not play with our sentiments. and a sense of responsibility toward respecting all the religions,

    # 11:Dec 4, 2007, Anonymous, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
    That is not allowed in our religious, we want it to be removed. we respect yours ,,you respect ours.

    # 10:Dec 4, 2007, Aziz Amjad, Saudi Arabia

    # 9:Dec 4, 2007, Nisar Ahmed, India
    Remove you fools , Y don’t u damn care about others

    # 8:Dec 4, 2007, Munawer Syed, United Arab Emirates
    Imagery may lead to idol worship, this is the logical reason for prohibition of imagery. Please repsect religious sentiments.

    # 7:Dec 4, 2007, Mohammad Tayyab Farooqi, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
    I agree with the petitioner

    # 6:Dec 4, 2007, Ali A, Saudi Arabia
    Please remove the picture of our beloved prophet and do not play with our sentiments. Kindly respect all the religions,

    # 5:Dec 4, 2007, Awan Muhammad, Pakistan
    Kindly respect all religions. Islam prohibite pictures of any prophet. We respect all prophets

    # 4:Dec 4, 2007, Anonymous, Saudi Arabia
    Kindly remove the pictures shown on Wikepediaweb site, In our Islam it’s strictly prohibited tp make any kind of picture of our Holy Prophet (PBUH)

    # 3:Dec 4, 2007, Sabeel A, India

    # 2:Dec 4, 2007, Ehtshamulhaq Farooqi, Saudi Arabia

    # 1:Dec 4, 2007, Faraz Ahmad, United Kingdom
    i create this and sign this and not feared to hide my id”

  14. Censorship of fools skriver:

    A fool a day

    keeps Muhammed away (from Wikipedia)


    ”We signed the ”Remove the Illustrations of Muhammad from Wikipedia” petition!

    # 100:Dec 9, 2007, Wan Nor Hafizi Wan Abdul Halim, France
    Wikipedia is embarrassing !

    # 99:Dec 9, 2007, Aslam Mohammed, Massachusetts

    # 98:Dec 9, 2007, Pir Ghulam jeelani, Germany
    I request all my muslim brothers to come out of the deep slumber and prevent such intolerant abuses to our religion.

    # 97:Dec 9, 2007, Anonymous, Malaysia

    # 96:Dec 9, 2007, Anonymous, France

    # 95:Dec 9, 2007, Shahreza Shahrir, Malaysia
    Salam…take it out…

    # 94:Dec 9, 2007, Muhammad zaid Bin bakar redin, Morocco

    # 93:Dec 9, 2007, Saad Nauman, Pakistan
    I strongly urge WIKIPEDIA to remove these pics as this act is averse to our feelings and beliefs

    # 92:Dec 9, 2007, Ashiana Khan, California
    Times are changing and generations are growing but every religious figure does not have to become a character with a face, clothes, or cartoon-like image. Wikipedia, please remove this image as it demoralizes our Holy Prophet and is an insult to our religion. Thank you.

    # 91:Dec 9, 2007, April Dawson, Florida

    # 90:Dec 8, 2007, Sabir Hussain, Pakistan

    # 89:Dec 8, 2007, Kiran Farhan, France
    To present a religious personality, it is better to present it the way the followers think about him and not the way the rest of the world feels!

    # 88:Dec 8, 2007, Liaqat Shah, France
    dear i request you to remove these images from wikipidia because these hurt million people around the world. this way the prestige of the wikipidia will remain intact in minds people thanks in advance

    # 87:Dec 8, 2007, Farooq-Ahmad Khan, Switzerland
    immages of prophet Muhammad(PBUH) on wikepedia…NO NO NO

    # 86:Dec 8, 2007, Atif Shahzad, France
    This is quite strange that wikipedia team allowed this.One should respect the believes of others.

    # 85:Dec 8, 2007, Waleed Muhammad, United Kingdom
    its not permissible in islam to potrait any of the prophets, and its against islam to sketch any living thing, so plz do sign the petition against these potraits of the rasul (saw), jazakallah

    # 84:Dec 8, 2007, Pak Muslim, Pakistan
    Kindly do understand that all these actions will only and only worsen the already heightened conditions. Please remove these images from your text.

    # 83:Dec 8, 2007, Abdul Waheed, France
    Please respect the sentiments of muslims and remove these irritating things from wikipdia.

    # 82:Dec 8, 2007, Taimur Qureshi, France
    Please remove this monstrosity

    # 81:Dec 8, 2007, Fahadh Mohamed, India

    # 80:Dec 8, 2007, Kamal Nasir, Pakistan
    wikipedia should respect religions !!! this is no way !!! i think everyone knew( especially who did this ) that it will hurt the muslims alot and will be strongly opposed … all religions should be respected … this act is really a disgrace for those who did this and for the wiki team … at least one should have sence what ones doing …

    # 79:Dec 8, 2007, Anonymous, India

    # 78:Dec 8, 2007, Fareesa Fahd, Australia

    # 77:Dec 8, 2007, Qamar Bhatti, France

    # 76:Dec 8, 2007, Sameera Gulshad, United Arab Emirates

    # 75:Dec 8, 2007, MUDASSAR Hassan, French Guiana
    removal of pictures is the best solution if u want peace and calm in the world .it is neccesary to respect the religion especially ISLAM.We love our religion .we can sacrifice for our religion.Dont do the things like this .

    # 73:Dec 8, 2007, Saif Ul ISLAM, France
    As this thing is strictly prohibited in Islam.So such a world known portal must care about and respect the religion.

    # 72:Dec 8, 2007, Mubashir Hassan, France

    # 71:Dec 8, 2007, Sajid Zaidi, France

    # 70:Dec 8, 2007, Eimad Atif, Pakistan

    # 69:Dec 8, 2007, Farhan Cyprian, France

    # 68:Dec 8, 2007, Awais Hussain Sani, France

    # 67:Dec 8, 2007, Ali Mustafa Qamar, France

    # 66:Dec 8, 2007, Moazzam Islam TIWANA, France

    # 65:Dec 8, 2007, ZEESHAN KHAN, France

    # 64:Dec 8, 2007, Muhammad Kashif Iqbal, France

    # 63:Dec 8, 2007, Haroon AKBAR, France

    # 62:Dec 7, 2007, Steve Klein, Canada

    # 61:Dec 7, 2007, Anonymous, India

    # 60:Dec 7, 2007, Mohd saifullah Rizwan, India
    Atonce remove these type of things frm public place and from everywhere because it is hearting to the muslim community.and in future these type of things should not be done

    # 59:Dec 7, 2007, Arshad Mohammed, India
    This is ridiculous. They have finished work of changing other relegions and now want to attack muslim where it hurts the most. This cannot be tolerated at any cost. Stop this nonsense and let yourself respect others religious sentiments. And to my fellow muslims, dont say pic’s of prophet. We cannot buy anything like that. no body in whole world can say how our beloved prophet looked like. This picture or any other pictures can depict our prophet and we cannot tolerate any image to our prophet.

    # 58:Dec 7, 2007, Souad Essenhaji, South Carolina

    # 57:Dec 7, 2007, Mohammed Hanif Sheth, India

    # 56:Dec 7, 2007, David Dunkleberger, Pennsylvania

    # 55:Dec 6, 2007, Amanullah Mohammad, Australia
    This is absolutely blasphemous. A respected organisation like wikipedia shouldnt be doing such a thing

    # 54:Dec 6, 2007, Ammar Khan, United Kingdom

    # 53:Dec 6, 2007, Shumail Nabi, Pakistan
    This is a very bad act by wikipedia.

    # 52:Dec 6, 2007, REGINA WIRTH, Germany

    # 51:Dec 6, 2007, Zainul Abedin Akhunji, United Arab Emirates”

  15. Wiki-censur skriver:

    ”Fjerner ikke tegning
    De massive protester får dog ikke Wikipedia til at fjerne illustrationen:

    ”Eftersom Wikipedia er en encyklopædi med det mål at repræsentere alle emner fra et neutralt ståsted, vil Wikipedia ikke censurere til fordel for en bestemt gruppe”, skriver Wikipedia som reaktion på protesterne.”

    Kristeligt Dagblad

    På den ny side er Muhammed væk!

    Ingen Muhammed.

  16. Wiki-censur skriver:

    100.000 underskrifter og Wikipedia bøjer sig.

    “Fjerner (ikke) tegning
    De massive protester får dog (ikke) Wikipedia til at fjerne illustrationen:

    “Eftersom Wikipedia er en encyklopædi med det mål at repræsentere alle emner fra et (neutralt) ståsted, vil Wikipedia (ikke) censurere til fordel for en bestemt gruppe”, skriver Wikipedia som reaktion på protesterne.”


    På den ny side er Muhammed væk!

    Ingen Muhammed.

    Kun censur.

  17. Cecilia skriver:

    Cesorship of fools wrote:
    ”The petition was started last night and as of right now has over 83,000 signatures. The controversy seems to have just began.”

    I just then have to quote the proverb: You can’t live in peace, if your angry neighbour doesn’t like it.”

    Dedicated to all the people, that has the idea of ”Live and let live” as rule of handeling reality… sometimes kindness and understanding, isn’t enough. One also has to speak up.
    Determination isn’t wrong, you know ? 🙂 At least if you are clear in your own beliefs… of live and let live…?

  18. Muhammed/FAQ (?) skriver:


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  19. Muhammed/FAQ (?) skriver:

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  20. Lars skriver:


    Det är inget papper med gräng. Men papperet kommer från Leif Eriksson. För många år sedan gick jag några överblivna blanka frimärkskartor.

  21. Muhammed is back skriver:

    Muhammed is back at Wikipedia.

    New illustration!

    This is crazy.

  22. Lars skriver:

    Ja, nu har jag också skrivit på petitionen mot Wikipedia. Vi måste visa konstnärlig respekt och kräva lite färskare och överskridande bilder av den gode profeten.

  23. Cecilia skriver:

    Lars: Frimärkspapper verkar vara ett höjdarpapper!
    Som akvarellpapper i alla fall.

    Eller så är det kanske konstnären, som gör pappret…..?

  24. Cecilia skriver:

    Förresten – apropå pappret…
    Jag var fascinerad över grängen – att den överlevde det lilla formatet… jodå, gräng finns i alla papper, inte bara akvarellpapper.

    Det är facinerande hur papper beter sig – klart att frimärkspapper är ”gjort” för litet format. Men att det klarade ”vattnet”, är mest imponerande.
    Ja, jag är ju fackidiot där… och hur viktigt är det egentligen ”varför”? Bara det funkar…!

  25. Lars skriver:

    Det kräver lite arbete. Jag har hållit på ett tag.

  26. Osama og Juste skriver:

    Nu har både Osama bin Laden og Jyllands-Postens chefredaktør Carsten Juste skrevet under på, at tegningerne skal fjernes!

    ”We signed the ”Remove the Illustrations of Muhammad from Wikipedia” petition!

    # 101400:Feb 7, 2008, Muhammad Nadeem Zafar, Sweden
    Please remove these illustrations and respect the peaceful request by vote. Every people and country should take care of others sensitive matters like religion.

    # 101399:Feb 7, 2008, Soju Master, Korea, Republic Of
    Give it a break. These illustrations are in obvious violation of the Islam faith. So why is there no petition to destroy these artifacts? So what is the difference between a modern digital picture of this blasphemy and an ancient illustration of this blasphemy? There is none. So where did it all change? Why did it change? Did it change because some leader came by someday and decided that this is the way it is going to be? Think about it.

    # 101398:Feb 7, 2008, Don Mcvay, California
    My religion is against signing petitions for the removal of Wikipedia entries. Please respect my religion and remove any petitions concerning the editing of Wikipedia earnings.

    # 101395:Feb 7, 2008, Anonymous, Washington
    Leave the image up. Just to remove something for the sake of the religion is not a just reason to censure someone else’s art. If it is offensive to you, don’t look at it. Just the same way as Muslims are not forced to look at women in the U.S. who aren’t clothed in accordance with their religion. Get some tough skin.

    # 101394:Feb 7, 2008, Anonymous, Canada

    # 101393:Feb 7, 2008, Git Overit, South Carolina
    Leave it up. Free press is worth standing for.

    # 101392:Feb 7, 2008, Anonymous, Netherlands

    # 101391:Feb 7, 2008, Lisa Lee, Oregon

    # 101390:Feb 7, 2008, Anonymous, United Kingdom

    # 101389:Feb 7, 2008, Anonymous, United Kingdom

    # 101388:Feb 7, 2008, Drk Drk, Netherlands
    Why can’t we just all get along, which religion whatsoever?

    # 101387:Feb 7, 2008, Learn To Deal, Armenia
    Allah Hu Akbar! No, just kidding, learn to deal with things cry babies. Oh NO Wikipedia is disgracing my one and only god. Yeah too bad the world doesn’t revolve around you or your god.

    # 101386:Feb 7, 2008, Bilal Mahmud, Georgia

    # 101385:Feb 7, 2008, Anonymous, Florida

    # 101384:Feb 7, 2008, Habiba Ahmad, United Kingdom

    # 101383:Feb 7, 2008, Anonymous, California
    Freedom is something most muslims do not understand. Freedom of the press is what is the problem for muslims. Here in the USA we HAVE a 1st Amendement that alows for freedom of the press including publishing pictures. Oppression and supression of information seems to be the only thing muslims understand. TRUTH HURTS!!!

    # 101382:Feb 7, 2008, James Simpson, Texas
    Keep the images. Yes the Muslims are so peace loving. Drop dead

    # 101381:Feb 7, 2008, Anonymous, Australia

    # 101380:Feb 7, 2008, Anonymous, Iowa

    # 101379:Feb 7, 2008, BENKINIOUAR Yamina, Algeria

    # 101378:Feb 7, 2008, Rahil Khan, Indiana

    # 101377:Feb 7, 2008, Issa Djama, Djibouti

    # 101376:Feb 7, 2008, Soju Master, Korea, Republic Of
    Give it a break. These illustrations are in obvious violation of the Islam faith. So why is there no petition to destroy these artifacts? So what is the difference between a modern digital picture of this blasphemy and an ancient illustration of this blasphemy? There is none. So where did it all change? Why did it change? Did it change because some leader came by someday and decided that this is the way it is going to be? Think about it.

    # 101375:Feb 7, 2008, Anonymous, California

    # 101374:Feb 7, 2008, Anonymous, Jordan

    # 101373:Feb 6, 2008, American Citizen, Pennsylvania
    Islam is a religion of hate, and must be wiped from the face of the earth

    # 101372:Feb 6, 2008, Sedat Uyar, Turkey

    # 101371:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Turkey

    # 101370:Feb 6, 2008, NIFA KHAN, United Kingdom

    # 101369:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Colorado

    # 101368:Feb 6, 2008, Someone Someone, Syrian Arab Republic
    Please remove these illustrations and respect the peaceful request by vote Please remove these illustrations and respect the peaceful request by vote Please remove these illustrations and respect the peaceful request by vote

    # 101367:Feb 6, 2008, Gulabo Khan, United Kingdom

    # 101366:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Alabama

    # 101365:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Colorado

    # 101364:Feb 6, 2008, Yasir Khan, United Kingdom

    # 101363:Feb 6, 2008, User Abuser, Colorado
    Leave the images up. It’s for reference and research purposes and Wikipedia did not make them up. They’re historical artwork. Contrary to what you may believe, you do NOT have the RIGHT to NOT be offended. Welcome to the 21st Century! And the fact that all the information above is false shows how ”fair” this petition is.

    # 101362:Feb 6, 2008, Nauman T, New Jersey

    # 101361:Feb 6, 2008, Jeremy Freedman, New York
    Please keep those pictures in Wikipedia and ignore these raving lunatics

    # 101360:Feb 6, 2008, Tom Albright, Texas
    Please keep the illustrations of Muhamid on the Wikopedia web site!!! All Muslims need to get a life other than religion!!!

    # 101359:Feb 6, 2008, Junaid Hasan, Illinois

    # 101358:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Illinois

    # 101357:Feb 6, 2008, MUHAMMAD HARUN, Nevada

    # 101356:Feb 6, 2008, Mohammad Kamran, Pakistan
    Please remove our beloved Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) because it is cuasing great disrespect of him.In Islam, even image of any living thing is prohibited, so how it is possible that anyone can make the image of the Last prophet(SAW). I appeal to Wikipedia management with all my heart and soal to remove the image of the prophet Muhammad(SAW).

    # 101355:Feb 6, 2008, Mohamed AbuDabos, Palestinian Territory, Occupied
    please remove the Prophet Mohammad images from your website. thanks

    # 101354:Feb 6, 2008, Ali Syed, New Zealand

    # 101353:Feb 6, 2008, Carsten Juste, Denmark

    # 101352:Feb 6, 2008, David Lee, Georgia
    Keep the pictures on Wikipedia. A person from the UK states, ”No one knows how the prophet looks like except the companions, people at the time of the prophet and ALLAH.” No one knows for sure what Jesus looked like either except people of His time and God, but pictures of Him have been around for centuries. What’s that have to do with anything? Idiot.

    # 101351:Feb 6, 2008, Muhammad Afzal, United Kingdom”

    (”# 101353:Feb 6, 2008, Carsten Juste, Denmark”)

  27. Allah censurerer Wikipedia skriver:

    Allah (fra Kansas) har også skrevet under.

    ”We signed the ”Remove the Illustrations of Muhammad from Wikipedia” petition!

    # 101200:Feb 6, 2008, Ounissi Mourad, France

    # 101199:Feb 6, 2008, Lubna Alabed, Florida

    # 101198:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Maryland

    # 101197:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Lebanon

    # 101196:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Saudi Arabia
    Please remove these illustrations and respect the peaceful request by vote

    # 101195:Feb 6, 2008, Sam Davidson, New York
    remove the false images!

    # 101194:Feb 6, 2008, Muhammad Sadiq, Pakistan
    kindly please remove the picture

    # 101193:Feb 6, 2008, Haithamesmat Mahfoz, Egypt

    # 101192:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, United Kingdom
    Please can you remove this picture of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from the Wiki site. As Muslim we are totally againsy any pictures of this blessed and noble man. Thank you

    # 101191:Feb 6, 2008, Nanci Puwalski, Maryland
    WIKIPEDIA Keep the pictures!!! We still have freedom of speech – even unpopular speech!! The only way to keep these freedoms is to stand up for them once in a while.

    # 101190:Feb 6, 2008, Anti Muslim, Nebraska
    Mohammid, a gutter guy for a gutter religion. His picture should be listed under pedophile, murderer and adulterer.

    # 101189:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Illinois

    # 101188:Feb 6, 2008, Mehreen Khan, Canada

    # 101187:Feb 6, 2008, Zaeem Rehman, United Arab Emirates
    please remove the pictures….we all should respect each others religions…thnks

    # 101186:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Pennsylvania

    # 101185:Feb 6, 2008, Emily Easterday, North Carolina

    # 101184:Feb 6, 2008, Zubair Mohammed, Illinois

    # 101183:Feb 6, 2008, Rehmat Mohiuddin, Illinois

    # 101182:Feb 6, 2008, Sumaira Fatima, United Arab Emirates
    Please remove those illustrations and respect every religion.Wikipedia showed untutered freedom of expression.

    # 101181:Feb 6, 2008, Hussain Nasir, Pakistan

    # 101180:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, United Kingdom

    # 101179:Feb 6, 2008, Ballson Yourlips, Taiwan
    Isn’t Muhammad an Ancient Astronaut? He came down with the aliens and sexed up earth women like 10 years ago or something? Yeah, I read about this In the National Enquirer………… I’ll start with your taint and work my way to the Vas Deferens…. COOL.

    # 101178:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Egypt

    # 101177:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, United Kingdom

    # 101176:Feb 6, 2008, Sand Monkey, California
    Dear Sir or Mam, F.U and cammel you rode in on!

    # 101175:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Utah

    # 101174:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Florida

    # 101173:Feb 6, 2008, Amar Khan, United Kingdom

    # 101172:Feb 6, 2008, AbdAllah Moumin, France

    # 101171:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, United Arab Emirates

    # 101169:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Tunisia

    # 101168:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, New Jersey

    # 101167:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Netherlands

    # 101166:Feb 6, 2008, Abdullah Ahmad, Bolivia

    # 101165:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Canada

    # 101164:Feb 6, 2008, Farrukh Azeem, United Kingdom

    # 101163:Feb 6, 2008, Mayada Osman, Turkey

    # 101162:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Bangladesh

    # 101161:Feb 6, 2008, Shaheem AbdulRahim, Texas

    # 101160:Feb 6, 2008, Benhaddou Taha, Morocco

    # 101159:Feb 6, 2008, Rasheen Maqmar Hussein Mujad, Minnesota
    What I find unique is that images of humans are ”not allowed” according to the Quran, yet Islamic cultures erect statues of their presidents (remember Saddam being pulled over), paint images of their imams, and plaster posters of the faces of other religious leaders throughout their towns. How can we take their request seriously when they shame themselves and their own religion by doing exactly what their sacred texts do not allow. Can we really take them seriously? Their religion is a farce, their tactics are evel, and their beliefs are not that important if they turn around and do what they are told not to by their God. It is fact that Islam could not exist without Christianity and Judaism and all their religion consists of is a mixture of various religions rolled into one. I mean come on, does a diety such as God truly give you virgins to play with in heaven? What happens after you ”soil” them and take away their virginity…are you given more virgins for the rest of eternity. Nice try Muslim zealots, but your religion is falling apart, your followers are leaving, and Christ will soon and punish you all.

    # 101158:Feb 6, 2008, Dave Lister, California
    Screw all of you!!

    # 101156:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Egypt

    # 101155:Feb 6, 2008, Allah Himself, Kansas
    Islam the religion of killing innocent people.

    # 101153:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Pakistan

    # 101152:Feb 6, 2008, Sead Sead, Bosnia And Herzegovina

    # 101151:Feb 6, 2008, Saqib Hasan, Canada”

  28. Vilks og Wiki-censuren skriver:

    Lars Vilks har skrevet under som nummer 100.715 (februar 6, 2008). Lars Vilks bidrager med følgende kommentar:

    ”Please remove these picture and bring in some fresh new ones in modern and transgressive style”

    ”We signed the ”Remove the Illustrations of Muhammad from Wikipedia” petition!

    # 100750:Feb 6, 2008, JON MICHEAL, New Jersey
    I would like to see a picture of Mickey Mouse Humping Huhammad can someone work on that for me on Photoshop

    # 100749:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Pakistan

    # 100748:Feb 6, 2008, V for Vendetta, New York
    How can these images be offensive now when they were not deemed offensive when they were created? However, it seems to be okay for Muslims to depict Jews as pigs and monkeys–what childish hypocrites they are! Although I am not Jewish, I am offended that the Muslims built their Dome of the Rock on top of the Holy Jewish Temple, which preceded both Christianity and Islam. Muslims will never be taken seriously unless they learn to play by the world’s rules. If they want the U.S. and Westerners out of their lands, then they should all pack up and leave the West as well. I can’t wait until we don’t need ”their” oil anymore, where will they be then??? Let them eat sand, I say.

    # 100747:Feb 6, 2008, Achmed El Sneeze Alot, California
    ( . )( . ) { }

    # 100746:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Pakistan

    # 100745:Feb 6, 2008, Fuat Coskun, Turkey

    # 100744:Feb 6, 2008, Oueld Nargis, Belgium

    # 100743:Feb 6, 2008, Shazia Bi, United Kingdom

    # 100742:Feb 6, 2008, Abd An, Palestinian Territory, Occupied

    # 100741:Feb 6, 2008, Freedom Lover, Algeria
    Please respect freedom of speech, let the images stay!

    # 100740:Feb 6, 2008, F**CK Mo_Ham_Mad, Louisiana
    we need a picture of mohammad doing aisha,,,, now that would be more in tune with the life of a known child molester, can we please get one? we know mohammad was a pervert…..

    # 100739:Feb 6, 2008, Hasan Miraj, New York

    # 100738:Feb 6, 2008, Don Jackson, Washington
    Dont remove this image from Wikipedia. Dont sensor information!!!!!!

    # 100737:Feb 6, 2008, ?emsa Gaèiæ, Bosnia And Herzegovina

    # 100735:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Australia

    # 100734:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, New Jersey

    # 100733:Feb 6, 2008, Tyler Durdin, Georgia
    Muslims need to worry more about their ”brothers and sisters” blowing up innocent people and decapitating non-believers than they do about some pictures on wikipedia.

    # 100732:Feb 6, 2008, Lemny Kilmister, Tennessee
    Invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.

    # 100731:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Saudi Arabia

    # 100730:Feb 6, 2008, You’re Idiots, Texas
    How about a petition denouncing terrorism? It has a slightly larger impact on society then a picture on a website that you can chose not to go to. By the way, this is the 21st Century. We would love for you guys to join.

    # 100729:Feb 6, 2008, Ben Borelli, Washington D.C.
    Please leave the pictures online–it’s okay with me–just my two cents. Ben from DC

    # 100728:Feb 6, 2008, Arifa Parkar, United Kingdom

    # 100727:Feb 6, 2008, John Staff, Massachusetts
    It is a Flippin’ crayon Sketch PEOPLE ! ! When you have a real photograph Muhadji..then you MAY have an argument !

    # 100726:Feb 6, 2008, Aytac Koc, Turkey

    # 100724:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Georgia

    # 100723:Feb 6, 2008, Muhammad Zaman, United Kingdom

    # 100722:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Canada

    # 100721:Feb 6, 2008, Azhar Mahmood, Canada

    # 100720:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, California
    Until the following stops leave the depictions: 2/5/2008 (Rangpur, Bangladesh) – A convert to Christianity dies from burns suffered when a Muslim mob set fire to her house four weeks earlier. 2/5/2008 (Mogadishu, Somalia) – Two women are among four killed in a marketplace attack by Islamic militias. 2/5/2008 (Kandahar, Afghanistan) – Two Afghan police are killed in a Taliban bombing. 2/4/2008 (Yala, Thailand) – A 30-year-old civilian is shot to death by Muslim militants. 2/4/2008 (Helmand, Afghanistan) – Two children and two women are among five members of the same family killed in a roadside attack by religious extremists. 2/4/2008 (Abu Saida, Iraq) – Jihadis kill a 7-year-old boy and one other civilian in an attack on a minibus.

    # 100719:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Pakistan

    # 100718:Feb 6, 2008, Ben Saxton, Texas
    Grow up people. You try and take over the world and now your complaining about historical images. when you start showing respect for religion than others will as well. You bad mouth jewish and christian faith but we are to tolerate yours. Find something else to do

    # 100717:Feb 6, 2008, Y El Ghanoui, United Kingdom
    It is an offence to display images of religious Islamic figures and is very disrespectful. It is also a sin to even create or publish such images.

    # 100716:Feb 6, 2008, Nora Cristina, Spain
    internet no deja de sorprenderme algunas veces pero como se puede permitir algo asi y encima tenemos que mandar mensajes para que lo quiten!!!! pero porque algunas personas que parece que no tienen nada mejor que hacer se tienen que dedicar a martirizar a las personas que tenemos fe y creemos en unico Dios y en su profeta,pero es que hacemos daño a alguien?Pues no!!que nos dejen vivir tranquilos que todos no somos terroristas!!!!

    # 100715:Feb 6, 2008, Lars Vilks, Sweden
    Please remove these picture and bring in some fresh new ones in modern and transgressive style

    # 100714:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, United Kingdom

    # 100713:Feb 6, 2008, Mazen Madani, California
    Since this is an offense to islam i think the publishers should respect that b y not displaying the picture. this will help researchers understand islam better i think and give them more info about our beliefs that we dont allow any images of our Prophet peace be upon him.

    # 100712:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Nigeria

    # 100711:Feb 6, 2008, Lulezim Blaka, Albania

    # 100710:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Canada

    # 100709:Feb 6, 2008, Moo Moohamed, Virginia
    go jihad yourself

    # 100708:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Saudi Arabia

    # 100707:Feb 6, 2008, Asma Bava, South Africa

    # 100706:Feb 6, 2008, Stephen Gliva, Illinois

    # 100705:Feb 6, 2008, Dina Jad, Jordan

    # 100704:Feb 6, 2008, Steven Jaskowiak, Minnesota
    I am not a muslim; on the contrary I my ancestry is Northern European. But I do agree with this petition. I realize Muhammad’s role in world history, as he was one of the most significant humans ever to live. The wishes of his followers must be followed. Also, for the people who have signed this petition but are not for it, or who have argued opposite opinions, shame on you. Grow up. This is a forum for agreement, there are other places where we can agree to disagree.

    # 100703:Feb 6, 2008, Michael Thompspon, Michigan
    This is the most ridicules thing I have seen this year. Protesting the image of an ancient Comic Book super hero, like Muhammad, and expecting to be taken seriously by the rest of the world. Tell you what. How about all you monkeys sign a petition telling fundamentalists to stop blowing up children! This HAS to be the poster child action for how mythology worship leads to being stupid!

    # 100702:Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous, Canada

    # 100701:Feb 6, 2008, Budi Lubis, Texas”

  29. Censorship of fools (art version) skriver:

    We signed the ”Remove the Illustrations of Muhammad from Wikipedia” petition! # 101,789: Feb 6, 2008, Ahmad Hbeshe , Israel

    # 101,788: Feb 6, 2008, Khansa Zulkiflee , Malaysia

    # 101,787: Feb 6, 2008, Safwat El ghorab , Egypt
    Please remove these illustrations and respect the peaceful request by vote

    # 101,786: Feb 6, 2008, Harun Boreas , Germany

    # 101,785: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , United Kingdom

    # 101,784: Feb 6, 2008, Abd Allah Harouna , Pennsylvania
    Dr Abd Allah Harouna

    # 101,783: Feb 6, 2008, Mumina Ezghair , Texas
    We find these pictures offensive and disrespectful. Please remove them. Thank you!

    # 101,782: Feb 6, 2008, M Jahangir , Washington

    # 101,781: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , United Kingdom

    # 101,780: Feb 6, 2008, Muhammad Was a PUNK And a MONKEY , New York
    The prophet muhammad, may pigs piss upon him in HELL, was a loser, liar and SATANS BUTT-RAMMER.

    # 101,778: Feb 6, 2008, Saif Ali , Illinois

    # 101,777: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , California

    # 101,776: Feb 6, 2008, Yusuf Patel , United Kingdom

    # 101,775: Feb 6, 2008, Alan Miller , United Kingdom
    please KEEP these pictures up , we keep banning things because of muslims. christmas cards BANNED,christmas decorations BANNED,the three little pigs BANNED, i say to hell with the muslims and go claim your 70 virgins

    # 101,774: Feb 6, 2008, Muhammed Ali , California
    Please remember 9/11

    # 101,773: Feb 6, 2008, S M Mehbub Kahir , Australia

    # 101,772: Feb 6, 2008, LUESHI MCLUESHI , Washington
    …………………………………………………. __ . __…………………… …………………………………………………/’`: : `\,—`.„………………… ………………………………………………../|,-‘`¯¯`\(o)_\,—-,,,_……….. ………………„~*¯¯`”\,………… _„_………( `\(o),,_/` ¯ : o : : 😮 `-, …… ……………../ : · :(“,.~;*’¯¯¯”\, (_,– ””~,….\ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : `\….. ……………..| : · :,/`,-*~;~··-„,/ (‘` ”)/· ,…\.,/` : : :_„„,: : : : : : : : : : : \… …………….| : · / ,/`,–\ \’`c\,—„1 ‹’`–(_ ,/ / : : :,/` · · ): : : : : : : : : : : |… ……………..) : µ’` .\ (c) `¯ . . ·`), . ,-~`.. \ : : 😐 · · ’”\, : : : : : : : : : : :/… ……………/` ,/_~-, .`;;`„-„,__,./, ”`/……. `\: :\ · · · · `*-.,_ : : : : : :,-‘ …. ……………`-/¨;–;~’ `”*-=,=-_`” ,) ,/`……….`› : `\, · · · · · · ¯”~—,–`……. …„„………__\, · ‘, · . . . `\„_,/ ,/;-;_ ……. /` ` | ./ · · · · · · · · „-“………… .( :·`\,-~*`¯ · · ·`¯` `~–~*~—~;/`,-~*”`*–, `1` / : | · · · ,—~*”`…………… . \·:··:”*~-,,„„____„„,.-~”`¯¯¯¯/ / · · · · · ‘\,) , / : 😐 · · · ·\…………………. …`”’~-,„„„„„„,,~‘” . ( · · · ,.__| | · · · ·, `\„„/ ,/`: : / · · · · ·| ……………….. …………………….\`”””` · · ·`’~;-,„,,_)”`_-‘ : : / · · · · · · | ……………….. ……… (`*”-,„,-”¯¯”`-;„· · · · · · , /’”,-~”`¯: : : :/ · · · · · · |.……………….. ………. | : :(,;-===-„, `\,· · · ,-`| · ·/ : : : | :,/` · · · · · · ·| ……………….. ……… . \ : :\, · · · · \\ · `\. ·)· / · / : :\ : :`~,_ · · · · · ./ ………………… ………… \\,_`~.,_„,.-*\\, `/,/„/` ,/ : : :`’;-.„_ : ¯-, · · · /,………………….. …………..`\,,`”| : :`-,„_„))’`”` ·,/`_„,~*’` · · ( · , ,`)· ·,-; `’\,……………….. ……………..`*-\ : : : `~—-~*` / · · · · · · · · “”~”` ·/` ·( _ :)……………… …………. ,.¬-,–\ : : : : : : : : / · · · · · · · · · ·,,-“`…..’-„,-‘………………. …………..| |: :*:\ : : : : : : :_/ „____„„„„,—~*`…………………………… …………./ / : : : `~-„„„„„,.;;`,,.–`…………………………………………. …………| | : : : :|¯ : ,/ ¯ …………………………………………………. ………….\,\,_,„./—~`……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………

    # 101,771: Feb 6, 2008, Richard tard Cranium moslum , Florida
    mohammad is my dog and licks the bottom of my shoes!!!!!

    # 101,770: Feb 6, 2008, Mohammed Abul Manchur , Japan

    # 101,769: Feb 6, 2008, Sumayah Hassan , Virginia

    # 101,768: Feb 6, 2008, General Anthony Clement McAuliffe , Belgium
    To answer the complaint for Wikipidea…”NUTS!”

    # 101,767: Feb 6, 2008, Carol Wootton , Florida

    # 101,766: Feb 6, 2008, Smart Patrol , Florida
    ISLAM! is the religion of peace ™ and anyone who disagrees will be killed! Here is an example of the great moon god cult at its best: A 37-year-old American businesswoman and married mother of three is seeking justice after she was thrown in jail by Saudi Arabia’s religious police for sitting with a male colleague at a Starbucks coffee shop in Riyadh. Yara, who does not want her last name published for fear of retribution, was bruised and crying when she was freed from a day in prison after she was strip-searched, threatened and forced to sign false confessions by the Kingdom’s “Mutaween” police. Her story offers a rare first-hand glimpse of the discrimination faced by women living in Saudi Arabia. In her first interview with the foreign press, Yara told The Times that she would remain in Saudi Arabia to challenge its harsh enforcement of conservative Islam rather than return to America. “If I want to make a difference I have to stick around. If I leave they win. I can’t just surrender to the terrorist acts of these people,” said Yara, who moved to Jeddah eight years ago with her husband, a prominent businessman. Her ordeal began with a routine visit to the new Riyadh offices of her finance company, where she is a managing partner. The electricity temporarily cut out, so Yara and her colleagues — who are all men — went to a nearby Starbucks to use its wireless internet. She sat in a curtained booth with her business partner in the caf?’s “family” area, the only seats where men and women are allowed to mix. For Yara, it was a matter of convenience. But in Saudi Arabia, public contact between unrelated men and women is strictly prohibited. “Some men came up to us with very long beards and white dresses. They asked ‘Why are you here together?’. I explained about the power being out in our office. They got very angry and told me what I was doing was a great sin,” recalled Yara, who wears an abaya and headscarf, like most Saudi women. The men were from Saudi Arabia’s Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, a police force of several thousand men charged with enforcing dress codes, sex segregation and the observance of prayers. Yara, whose parents are Jordanian and grew up in Salt Lake City, once believed that life in Saudi Arabia was becoming more liberal. But on Monday the religious police took her mobile phone, pushed her into a cab and drove her to Malaz prison in Riyadh. She was interrogated, strip-searched and forced to sign and fingerprint a series of confessions pleading guilty to her “crime”. “They took me into a filthy bathroom, full of water and dirt. They made me take off my clothes and squat and they threw my clothes in this slush and made me put them back on,” she said. Eventually she was taken before a judge. “He said ’You are sinful and you are going to burn in hell’. I told him I was sorry. I was very submissive. I had given up. I felt hopeless,” she said. Yara’s husband, Hatim, used his political contacts in Jeddah to track her whereabouts. He was able to secure her release. “I was lucky. I met other women in that prison who don’t have the connections I did,” she said. Her story has received rare coverage in Saudi Arabia, where the press has been sharply critical of the police. Yara was visited yesterday by officials from the American Embassy, who promised they would file a report. An embassy official told The Times that it was being treated as “an internal Saudi matter” and refused to comment on her case.

    # 101,765: Feb 6, 2008, Frough Nishat , United Kingdom

    # 101,763: Feb 6, 2008, Anonymous , Nevada
    Islam is a cult, so it doesn’t matter. Muhammad is a fictional character. The 3 little pigs is a less fictional story.

    # 101,762: Feb 6, 2008, Ahmet Erdem , Turkey

    # 101,761: Feb 6, 2008, Mohammed Mohammed , Illinois
    If Wikipedia is a respectful to feeling of people who are reading and logging onto this great establishment then you have the obligation to remove any controversial items.

    # 101,760: Feb 6, 2008, Yassin Dades , Netherlands
    You are free to publish anything, but it hurts our feelings as Prophet Mohammed was against keeping his picture as it may lead to worship him rather than worship God. Please remove it sir, as its originality cannot be proved.

    # 101,759: Feb 6, 2008, DURKA DURKA , Saudi Arabia

    # 101,758: Feb 6, 2008, Zeeshan Masood , United Kingdom

    # 101,757: Feb 6, 2008, Michael O’Toole , Georgia
    Please remove the pictures- as a non- Muslim, I think it is important to respect the rules of all religions.

    # 101,756: Feb 6, 2008, Sabiha Rashid Khan , United Kingdom

    # 101,755: Feb 6, 2008, Nor Shahrin Haron , Malaysia
    Please remove the images. Please respect others.

    # 101,754: Feb 6, 2008, Siraj Mustapha , Morocco

    # 101,753: Feb 6, 2008, Muhammad Bhatti , New York

    # 101,752: Feb 6, 2008, Suck It , New York
    Ah the religion of peace. Agree with Jizzlam or we’ll cut your head off. Animals

    # 101,751: Feb 6, 2008, Marwa Mohammed , Egypt

  30. No fool on the censorship skriver:

    …………………………………………………. __ . __…………………… …………………………………………………/’`: : `\,—`.„………………… ………………………………………………../|,-‘`¯¯`\(o)_\,—-,,,_……….. ………………„~*¯¯`”\,………… _„_………( `\(o),,_/` ¯ : o : : 😮 `-, …… ……………../ : · :(“,.~;*’¯¯¯”\, (_,– ””~,….\ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : `\….. ……………..| : · :,/`,-*~;~··-„,/ (‘` ”)/· ,…\.,/` : : :_„„,: : : : : : : : : : : \… …………….| : · / ,/`,–\ \’`c\,—„1 ‹’`–(_ ,/ / : : :,/` · · ): : : : : : : : : : : |… ……………..) : µ’` .\ (c) `¯ . . ·`), . ,-~`.. \ : : 😐 · · ’”\, : : : : : : : : : : :/… ……………/` ,/_~-, .`;;`„-„,__,./, ”`/……. `\: :\ · · · · `*-.,_ : : : : : :,-‘ …. ……………`-/¨;–;~’ `”*-=,=-_`” ,) ,/`……….`› : `\, · · · · · · ¯”~—,–`……. …„„………__\, · ‘, · . . . `\„_,/ ,/;-;_ ……. /` ` | ./ · · · · · · · · „-“………… .( :·`\,-~*`¯ · · ·`¯` `~–~*~—~;/`,-~*”`*–, `1` / : | · · · ,—~*”`…………… . \·:··:”*~-,,„„____„„,.-~”`¯¯¯¯/ / · · · · · ‘\,) , / : 😐 · · · ·\…………………. …`”’~-,„„„„„„,,~‘” . ( · · · ,.__| | · · · ·, `\„„/ ,/`: : / · · · · ·| ……………….. …………………….\`”””` · · ·`’~;-,„,,_)”`_-‘ : : / · · · · · · | ……………….. ……… (`*”-,„,-”¯¯”`-;„· · · · · · , /’”,-~”`¯: : : :/ · · · · · · |.……………….. ………. | : :(,;-===-„, `\,· · · ,-`| · ·/ : : : | :,/` · · · · · · ·| ……………….. ……… . \ : :\, · · · · \\ · `\. ·)· / · / : :\ : :`~,_ · · · · · ./ ………………… ………… \\,_`~.,_„,.-*\\, `/,/„/` ,/ : : :`’;-.„_ : ¯-, · · · /,………………….. …………..`\,,`”| : :`-,„_„))’`”` ·,/`_„,~*’` · · ( · , ,`)· ·,-; `’\,……………….. ……………..`*-\ : : : `~—-~*` / · · · · · · · · “”~”` ·/` ·( _ :)……………… …………. ,.¬-,–\ : : : : : : : : / · · · · · · · · · ·,,-“`…..’-„,-‘………………. …………..| |: :*:\ : : : : : : :_/ „____„„„„,—~*`…………………………… …………./ / : : : `~-„„„„„,.;;`,,.–`…………………………………………. …………| | : : : :|¯ : ,/ ¯ …………………………………………………. ………….\,\,_,„./—~`……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………

  31. A clarifying documentary realism skriver:

    Gates of Vienna Wednesday, February 06, 2008:

    Now, What If…?

    by Baron Bodissey

    Denmark is an unusual place.

    Take, for example, the newspaper Politiken. It is The New York Times of Denmark, a repository of the conventional wisdom, the place to look for a reliably politically correct opinion on anything and everything.

    But not always. Recently there have been cracks in the liberal monolith that is Politiken. The feature article translated below is unusual, and rings out as a voice of sanity in the politically correct wilderness.

    Our Danish correspondent TB volunteered to translate the article, and has this to say about it:

    Something has definitely changed among the people in charge of this paper. A year ago you would never have seen an article like that in Politiken. Actually the most insane editor in Denmark, Thøger Seidenfaden, walked out on all of us last time there was a meeting of Trykkefrihedsselskabet [the Press Freedom Society], the one in support of Lars Vilks, telling everybody in the room that they were a bunch of misusers of freedom of speech. He was especially targeting Flemming Rose, Vilks, and the creators of the Mohammed cartoons. It was hilarious…

    Maybe they have now seen the signs…? One can only hope.

    And now for the article itself:

    ”Now, What If…?

    Now, what if our ideals destroy our sense of reality and lead us down the wrong path? What if Bush is really a great president?

    By Mogens Rukow

    What if Bush…? What if Islam…? Think, what if the intelligentsia…? What if multicultural…? Think, what if Arafat…? What if my a.. was…? What if you could go on forever?

    Now, what if there existed the equivalent of contrafactual history writing? What if there were the equivalent of hypothesizing what the world would be like out if history hadn’t turned out the way it did?

    What if Hitler had won the war? What if the Iron Curtain had never been imposed on Europe? What if the incandescent light bulb had never been invented?

    What if the mind could entertain these kinds of questions, which are counterfactual to the conventional wisdom.

    What if some are more concrete, others more fluid. But what if all of them now work for the sake of clarifying reality, of the facts, of the sum of what we know about reality. What if we can open up a perspectives on an alternative world of thought to the one we already agree about?

    What if many of them lead us directly into paradise or hell? What if they individually put history on a knife’s edge, where it balances and where it could have fallen out differently than it did?

    Contrafactual questions shake the way we, by habit, react to the course of history. They are part of history’s teaching.

    Aren’t there also questions which can shake up our thinking, so that it doesn’t become habitual thinking?

    What if you could ask contra-conceptual questions instead of contra-factual?

    To think new thoughts one often has to change concepts. Such a change of concept lies in the contra-conceptual.

    Concepts are our prisons, our direction, and our freedom. They are our dreams and our nightmares.

    Contra-conceptual questions do not have to be wise, or logical, or rational. Actually, they have to be the opposite. They have to be stupid, unthinkable, to the verge of ignorance.

    What if Bush was a great president?

    Is that unthinkable? Reagan was called a fool too, an actor, parvenu. Nor could he read — as Bush is said not to be able to — Reagan didn’t have any experience in foreign policy, should never have been in The White House. All these kinds of things they said, our foreign policy experts, many of our politicians, the intelligentsia, the intellectuals, the writers.

    Now he is called a great president. By the same people, or among the same people who have little interest in what happens around them.

    In those days you where taken as a big idiot if you said anything else except that Reagan was a big idiot. People laughed at you if you didn’t laugh at Reagan. But the experts say that it was Reagan’s policy that ended the Cold War, that it was his stubbornness that won it.

    The man who didn’t know anything about politics, the ridiculous fool who could not read, the actor, won the biggest political fight in modern time, after forty years of cold war.

    Do you have to be illiterate to become a great politician? Do you have to be a Western politician not to understand a thing?
    – – – – – – – – –
    What if the Iraq war is a real war?

    The Korean war was stupid. The Vietnam war was insane, all the good people said as much in those days. But both wars stopped communist aggression. Both served in part to hasten the fall of communism.

    What if the war in Iraq will lead to a new balance in the Arab world, if it is a probe thrust into the Muslim sea?

    What if it is only a temporary fiasco, what if it becomes a success? What if it made Libya give up its weapon of mass destruction program in December of 2003 as a reaction to the war in Iraq, or if it is true, made Iran to halt its development of nuclear weapons in 2003, also for that very reason. Is that not enough to call the war in Iraq a good war?

    What if there is no such thing as a legitimate war, as some opponents of the Iraq war claim because they see the war in Iraq as illegitimate.

    What if legitimate war is only a concept which has been invented by some bureaucrats as a concept that allows them to make wars that are just as insane as any other war but which they would not be able to do without the juridical term “legitimate war”, partly because they don’t have the power, partly because there is no reason to do it?

    What if “legitimate war” leads us into the most insane wars because some insane states in the UN vote for it?

    What if UN with all their perception and legitimacy are leading the world into Armageddon, if it becomes an instrument for powerless madness.

    What if the fight against Islam is the big European war right now?

    What if it is the new Thirty Years War that replaces the old one prior to the peace of Westphalia, which is now defines Europe?

    The European establishment, the European debate , treats Islam as if it was only a religion.

    Think — what if Islam is only a religion if seen from the perspective of the individual Muslim?

    What if Islam is already at war from within the mosque and further up in the hierarchy. And think — what if it actually already is at war from the viewpoint of the individual Muslim believer.

    What if the order in the Quran about killing or dominating the infidel (non-Muslim) is part of the doctrine that the individual Muslim recognize?

    What if the Muslim terrorists are only the storm troops in the war, those who commit the commando raids in the broader fight?

    What if the only way the war can be won for Christian Europe is by prohibiting Islam and sending all Muslims back to Islamic countries? What inhumane conduct does the war not impose on us?

    What if all European countries develop Muslim no-go zones as already exist in Great Britain?

    What if the Bishop of Rochester is right, and the problem is the political establishment, as the chairman of the Muslim Forum, Manzoor Moghal, has replied: “No matter how much his (the Bishop’s) opponents are rumbling against his accusations, the fact is that the determination with which some of my Muslim kinsmen stick to a specific lifestyle, specific habits, language and way of living has led to create neighborhoods where non-Muslims would feel uneasy, and might even get attacked.”

    What if the rising violence in our streets is actually making no-go time zones? Will the politicians still talk about freedom of religion, about tolerance towards different ways of thinking, when they speak of Islamophobia?

    What if any generation of Muslim immigrants in reality functions as occupying troops?

    What if the positive results of multiculturalism do not exist. What if the brotherhood, mutual understanding, deeply felt empathy, and cross-fertilization are only part of the mental activity of some members of the intelligentsia?

    What if multiculturalism dissolves society?

    What if the big survey of multiculti societies by Robert Putnam — who has studied 41 multicultural areas in the US — is right? What if it is true that diversity not only reduces the so-called social capital between different ethnic groups but also inside the groups themselves?

    What if multiculture not only dissolves society, but destroys it.

    What if the problem of multiculture is not the ethnic conflicts or the difficult race relations, but the fact — as the survey shows — that confidence in society, and “the others” in society, is lower. What if — as was reported — altruism, which the distribution of burdens in the welfare society is built upon, is reduced.

    What if such a simple thing as friendships between likeminded men and women is not as frequent in a multiculti society. “In plain speech, people who live under ethnic diversity ‘keep their head down’, hide like a turtle”.

    What if many Muslims throughout their childhood have been raised to show more solidarity towards the Quran than towards the country where they were brought up?

    What if it is a fact that “the terror threat does not come from marginalized citizens with a pure Danish or Dutch background, it comes solely from citizens with Muslim background,” as Ayaan Hirsi Ali says?

    What if that is what we have seen in the last few years?

    What if the divide in opinion surrounding the Mohammed Cartoons was a consequence of this diversity. What if the violence in Nørrebro and the violence in general is a consequence of this?

    What if the tough debates are coming from this? If the tone in the debate is not a consequence of anybody’s cynicism, but a consequence of the destruction of our society?

    What if the knife-stabbers understand more about multiculturalism than the guys behind “Images of The Middle East”?

    What if a festival with title “Images of The West” could win the curiosity of the intelligentsia?

    What if those writers — good writers of fiction — who warned against the sharpening of the tone and the exclusion of the Muslims especially by that tone, by supporting the multicultural development themselves actually bring the sharpened tone into society accompanied by the use of sharp knives?

    These “Now, what if…” questions are aiming at exactly these kinds of circumstances. On the absurd reverses of events, reality’s grotesque play between surface and foundation.

    What if now the fulfillment of intentions tends to produce the opposite of what was intended?

    What if we are on the verge of a world war?

    Consider whether such a war is as all other wars: the solution to conflicts that politics cannot cope with.

    What if the politicians had taken care of the conflicts without war, and with the consent of the populace. Which social development is prevented by the intelligentsia, DR, Politiken and Information [PC Danish media outlets]?

    What if it’s true that war solves insoluble conflicts, but that negotiations do not.

    What if it is violence and negotiations together that solve the conflicts? First violence, then negotiations.

    What if those who speak of peace actually generate wars.

    What if the biggest threat to peace is to focus on peace, while focusing on war preserves the peace?

    What if those people who speak of peace (with Islam) only promote our defeat, and the victory of Islam?

    What if paradoxical preparations for war are exactly preparations for peace?

    What if immigration is actually occupation?

    What if the Muslim immigration into Christian Europe constitutes an army of occupiers, even if the individual Muslim does not want to be a soldier in that army, but just wants to be a respected settler.

    What if the Jewish settlers on the West Bank are nothing but immigrants?

    What if the world’s problems with these Jewish settlers are the same as our problems with integration?

    Now, what if the Palestinians have developed a strategy that makes them the gangsters of the world?

    What if the Palestinians suffer due to our massive aid to the Palestinian areas ($6 billion over three years), where the help up until now has only turned the whole population into social clients, while their leaders have ruled with corruption and lawlessness — just like a bunch of mafia bosses?

    What if the Israeli attacks into Gaza should be the model for Århus in dealing with Gellerupparken [Muslim ghetto outside Denmark’s second largest city]?

    What if Arafat was a mafia boss of the magnitude of Saddam? What indicates otherwise?

    And what if there actually were no Palestinian problem, but that a Palestinian problem has been created by the Arab side going all the way back to the 1920s, and that it is inspired by the Nazis’ anti-Semitism?

    What if there still exists only an Islamic/Jewish problem? And that what we see around Israel is of the same character as what is about to happen in Europe: The Muslims everywhere invent their “legitimate” rights.

    Now, what if.

    What if Europe is a huge West Bank? If neighborhoods such as Gellerupparken and Mjolnerparken are only Arab settlements in Denmark.

    What if Israel’s military strength — as weakened as it may be by now — is its only possibility of survival in an Arab world, and that it is now equally necessary for the military to be raised in European countries and turned against other usurpers?

    Now, what if we have a common foe, Islam?

    What if Huntington is right about the clash of civilizations, and that is what we see in the Arab-European space; as opposed Fukuyama’s end of history, “the point in human ideological evolution and the universalization of the liberal democracy of the West as the final form of governance”; as with any other fascist development, in this also the religious foundation must stand up against it and fight.

    What if sharia should replace Roman Law? Have we no rights? Shall tolerance make room for Allah and Mohammed?

    Shall experiments and innovation be succeeded by a literal reading of primitive scriptures?

    Now, what if the control whose intended imposition on the public, instead of enhancing efficiency of public affairs, drains it of energy?

    Is it not what we see in connection with aid to the elderly, help in the home, in the hospitals, and in the schools?

    What if our habits have destroyed our foresight?

    What if our ideals destroy our realities? What if our ideals actually mislead us instead of showing us the right way?

    What if tolerance, for example, is not a universal notion but only valid under circumstances which have disappeared — even though we thought that it was universal?

    Now, what if our language has thereby been emptied?

    Now, what if our language only has meaning in the most banal circumstances, and no longer serves to express actual careful thought?

    What if fiction is now the proper form for a clarifying documentary realism?”

  32. Friheden i egyptisk kulturliv skriver:

    Information om Cairo Bogmesse (7. februar 2008):

    Uden censur – og dog

    Verdens største bog-event, Cairo Bogmesse, er netop slut. Igen i år blev det en politisk betændt begivenhed med Palæstina-konflikt og censur i centrum 7. februar 2008

    Af: Hans Henrik Fafner

    TEL AVIV – Hen imod slutningen på årets største arrangement i den arabiske bogverden vankede det på knippelsuppe. Bogmessen i Cairo, som sluttede mandag, fik som forventet det sædvanlige politiske indhold, og da en folkemængde benyttede messens forhøjede pressebevågenhed til at demonstrere i sympati for palæstinenserne på Gazastriben, satte myndighederne hårdt mod hårdt. Uden for messehallerne sørgede udkommanderede politisoldater med effektive slagvåben for at demonstrationen hurtigst muligt blev opløst igen.

  33. Slaves and Women skriver:

    Ibn Warraq:

    Why the West is Best My response to Tariq Ramadan.

  34. Tegn en hund skriver:


    Tegn en hund

    Det kan komme en dag om ikke så altfor lenge da vi alle må gripe til kullstiften og, som et rent heimevern, tegne profeten Muhammed som rundkjøringshund.

    Sven Egil Omdal
    Sjefredaktør, Aftenbladet Multimedia

    DEN UROVEKKENDE svenske nyoppsetningen av den danske karikaturkrisen er nå kommet til det stadium hvor de muslimske landenes ambassadører ber om å få møte statsministeren for å framføre sine krav.

    Fredrik Reinfeldt husker hva Anders Fogh Rasmussens arroganse førte til, og møtte i går sendemenn fra blant annet Egypt, Algerie og Pakistan. Ennå er det kanskje tid til å forhindre at svenske ambassader brenner og volvoer veltes i basarene i Midtøsten. Men de første Reinfeldt-dokkene er allerede gått opp i flammer i Pakistan, Iran har protestert offentlig, Afghanistan har fordømt Nerikes Allehanda, en lokalavis i Örebro.

    Kunstneren selv, Lars Vilks, har mottatt trusler fra muslimer som vil skjære strupen over på ham. Dèjá vú, noen?

  35. Vi må ikke la oss true eller skremme til å trykke eller unnlate å trykke ting skriver:

    Bergens Tidende om Vilks:

    BT trykte Muhammed-tegningen

    Bergens Tidende trykte Muhammed-tegningen til Lars Vilks allerede for to uker siden. Andre aviser avventer.

    Av Terje I. Olsson [17.09.2007 – 08:57]

    – Vi hadde en meget grundig diskusjon om denne saken for noen uker siden og bestemte oss for å trykke tegningen sammen med en artikkel om saken, sier sjefredaktør Einar Hålien i Bergens Tidende.

  36. Myningsmiddel skriver:

    ”Kunst som mykningsmiddel

    Publisert: 26. sep. 2007, 06:00
    Oppdatert: 05. okt. 2007, 11:32

    Av Øystein Hauge

    LARS VILKS «oppfører seg som en tullebukk i det vestlige samfunnet», skriver Hansen på kronikkplass i BT den 23. september. Sånn snakker en kommende pictor doctus, en kunstner som reflekterer seg frem til ferdig verk heller enn å satse alt på en plutselig frigjørende tanke.

    I løpet av noen korte sommermåneder har den svenske kunstneren som kjent rukket å skape jihad-lignende tilstander i store deler av den muslimske verden på grunn av en uklar tegning av Muhammed som hund i en rundkjøring.”

  37. Ingen råd å gi skriver:

    BT trykket Muhammed

    September 17, 2007

    Bergens Tidende trykket tegningen av Muhammed med hundehode allerede for to uker siden.
    Av Astrid Dåstøl

    Publisert 17.09.2007 – 20:45 Oppdatert 17.09.2007 – 22:03

    – Vi hadde en meget grundig diskusjon om denne saken for noen uker siden og bestemte oss for å trykke tegningen sammen med en artikkel om saken, sier sjefredaktør Einar Hålien i Bergens Tidende til

    Den svenske kunsteren Lars Vilks tegninger av profeten Muhammed med hundehode har skapt sterke reaksjoner, og en dukke som forestilte Sveriges statsminister ble brent i Pakistan. BT gjenga de danske Muhammed-tegningene forrige gang, men denne gangen valgte de altså å trykke. Kunstneren bak tegningen, Lars Vilks, er professor II på Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen og godt kjent i byen.

  38. Jessica S skriver:

    För mig är du, Lars Vilks, inte värd den här uppmärksamheten. När jag då slumpartat hamnar på din blogg känner jag ett starkt behov av att lämna en kommentar.
    Att yttrandefriheten finns är fantastiskt och viktigt för att vi människor ska känna att vi lever i frihet och i en demokrati. Men jag blir förbannad! Förbannad över att du inte verkar känna till det där om hets mot folkgrupp!
    Visst, som jag sa, fantastiskt att du drar nytta av yttrandefriheten. Men vad vill du få ut av muhammed bilderna?? Ett pris på ditt huvud? Vad förväntade du dig för reaktioner egentligen? Puss puss, åå vilka fantastiska bilder, så gullig, riktigt fina?? Kanske det var de du förväntade dig? Knappast vad du fick.
    Som svensk tonårig SKÄMS jag över hur du beter dig! Du är inte värd nå jävla uppmärksamhet! Ett pris på ditt huvud är onödigt, bättre att bara gömma sig bakom en gardin och göra det gratis! Nog fan finns det många som skulle se till att du fick ta ditt sista andetag innan slutet på denna månad GRATIS! Vid eftertanke, så är du fortfarande inte värd detta, nej, du är inget annat än en okunnig idiot.
    ”Stackarns Vilks, hotad till döds nu igen!” Det här är inget hot, bara sanningen, själv så anser jag att mord är den värsta synd man kan begå, men att bete sig som du, ligger bara strax bakom!

  39. Lars skriver:

    Hej Jessica! En gammal regel är att när man kommer i affekt tänker man inte efter. Men det man presterar blir ändå läsvärt. Och det passar naturligtvis in i ett konstprojekt.

  40. Wikipedia protest skriver:

    ”# 121824:Feb 9, 2008, Muhammad SucksDick, New York
    Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Muhammad blows big balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  41. rana karimzadeh skriver:

    En försvenskade imam – nej tack!
    Om den senaste diskussionen kring imamutbildningStöd våra protestkrav – underteckna vår namninsamling!Vi vill framföra våra protester emot Lars Lejonborg, den svenska regeringens högskoleministers planer när det gäller imamskolor. Våra krav består av:- inga statliga pengar till religiösa verksamheter och i synnerhet de islamiska rörelserna- principerna för ett sekulärt samhälle som finns i den svenska grundlagen ska gälla även för invånare med annan härkomst- islam liksom andra religioner är en fri – och privat val för vuxna människor därför bör all inblandning av imamer och islamiska rörelser i offentlig verksamhet förbjudas

  42. ansari skriver:

    plz remove the pics.

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